An Eclipse is Coming...
•Posted on January 18 2019

Hello everyone! There’s an Full Moon Eclipse coming on January 21st and we’ve got the low down on it.
This Leo Lunar Eclipse dances to a merrier tune than the New Moon eclipse earlier this month. Sure, Lunar Eclipses are Full Moons, so emotions are likely to be heightened, but Leo’s exuberance and Venus’ conjunction with expansive Jupiter in Sagittarius can do a great job with lifting our spirits. More than that, it’s a North Node (dharma, purpose, future) Eclipse, so we’re called to look towards the future with a brand new, enthusiastic vision. The Moon is only about 4 degrees away from the North Node, which makes it a Total Eclipse, stronger than the Partial Eclipse in Capricorn.
Leo is the king or the actor archetype- someone confident, powerful, dramatic, yet also creative and playful. We all have an inner child, an inner king or queen, an inner creative persona who wants to perform for the entire world to see. Usually we project our need for attention, appreciation and uniqueness on celebrities, yet we also have an inner hero who wants to and is able to shine on the world’s stage. This inner hero will probably speak to us during this period.
This Eclipse bears the fruits of last August’s Leo Solar Eclipse, when the Moon met the Sun in this kingly sign. Now, the Moon is facing the Sun in an opposition, confronting us with the results of our actions since the 11th of August, 2018. How have you been wielding your personal power during these months? Have you played, had fun, enjoyed life? Have you been brave enough to show off your gifts to others?
Now, the answers to these questions might manifest themselves as inner states, intense emotions, maybe feelings you didn’t know you had. We might feel, even on a collective level, more attention-hungry. Drama might increase, especially on social media (Aquarius, Leo’s opposite sign, rules the internet). It’s our mission here to listen to the source of those cries, tears, antics and see the unfulfilled needs of our inner children. A cry for attention might actually be a cry for love in disguise. Leo likes to live in the moment, so ask yourself: what do I need right now? How can I face this moment with courage, showing up for myself?
On the opposite side of the Moon, the Aquarius Sun conjuncts the South Node, Mercury and, distantly, Pluto. We might feel tempted to detach ourselves from our experience, to comfortably rationalize it in order to control our inner world. Sure, we need some degree of awareness and reason as well, but the Leo Moon calls for raw experience first. Towards this purpose, we might find ourselves faced with a sudden flash of inspiration, an insight, an unknown emotion uncovered, courtesy of Uranus squaring this Eclipse. It’s an interesting moment, because an end (the Full Moon, a ripening of past experience) is a new beginning (the North Node). How we’ve handled our creativity, our ability to love, our personal power until now is likely to mark the future months as well, all through the transformative filter of Now.
And what a Now! The cosmic landscape is completed by planets in fire signs Aries and Sagittarius. Self-expression, initiative, manifestation of our own personal will are keywords right now. Leo is all about showing our gifts to the world, but this doesn’t always mean an extraordinary talent that turns the world upside down. More often, the gift we have to offer is simply our own authentic self. This is the purpose that we’re being guided towards right now. Check out the January horoscopes to see in which area of your life you will have a moment of creative fulfillment, as well as a new beginning. You can also check if you have any personal planets around the first degree of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius. If you do, you’re likely to feel this Eclipse more intensely!
And, finally, we created three magical rituals for you to use during this eclipse. Be sure to check them out.
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