Candle magic, also known as candle magick or candle spells, is a form of sympathetic magic that has been used for centuries in various cultures and religious traditions. The use of candles in magic can be traced back to ancient times, when people believed that the flame of a candle represented the life force and that by manipulating the flame, they could manipulate the forces of the universe.
In ancient Egypt, candles were used in religious rituals to honor the gods and goddesses. The Greeks and Romans also used candles in their religious ceremonies, and in medieval Europe, candles were used in Christian churches and in the home for both practical and spiritual purposes.
Candle magic was also a common practice in many indigenous cultures, where candles were used in healing rituals and to communicate with spirits.
Overall, the use of candles in magic and ritual has evolved over time and has been influenced by various cultural and religious traditions. But the basic principle remains the same: by focusing energy and intention on a candle flame, one can manifest change and bring about desired outcomes.