On the 22nd, Mercury goes direct after almost a month of retrogradation, putting an end to communication or transport mishaps and giving us the green light when it comes to learning, teaching, and communication-related projects. What deeper understanding did you gain about your thoughts, your interests, and your way of communicating?
How can you integrate what you’ve (re)learned in the past month? The 23rd supports emotional healing and heart-to-heart conversations that could be challenging, but helpful in the long term. Notice how things that trigger you in others reflect unintegrated parts of yourself.
The 24th ends this powerfully healing week with a Capricorn Full Moon that brings us the rewards of past efforts and supports us to let go of perfectionism, fear of judgment, or patterns of overworking/procrastination in order to move forward in our career.
This Full Moon could bring a promotion or a bonus for some of us, while others could feel supported to heal their father wound or to balance their work and personal life.

Capricorn Full Moon: June 24
When the Moon shines bright in Capricorn, feelings abound, but pressing responsibilities might make it difficult to slow down and to listen to our needs. With the emotion-driven Cancer Sun opposing the industrious Capricorn Moon, we’re being called to notice how we keep the practical, goal-focused side of us in balance with our sensitive, comfort-seeking inner child.
The good news is that lucky Jupiter supports this Full Moon, making it possible for the results of our hard work to pay off. Pivotal events in the area of work, career, and public image can turn our lives around for the better at this time, especially since Mercury is now done with his retrograde hijinks!
If you’ve been waiting for a promotion, a raise, or a better opportunity, the end of June might make your dreams come true, even though it might still come with some delays or extra responsibilities.
Saturn and Jupiter are retrograde, making “slow, but sure” the mantra of this season. Give yourself a pat on the back- it hasn’t been easy, but you’ve come far! Capricorn is the sign of social recognition, but with the Sun in private Cancer, we’re supported to appreciate our efforts and to be proud of ourselves, no matter what others might say.
Judgment (and fear of being judged by others), criticism, perfectionism, overworking, or procrastination can be Capricorn shadows that we’re being encouraged to notice and to stay curious about on this Full Moon. “Toughening up” can be a disguise of insecurity; admitting that we need a break can be a sign of strength.
On the other hand, postponing responsibilities doesn’t help us move forward either. Set the intention to let go… but respect your timing when it comes to shedding bad habits. If your current career situation doesn’t reflect your true desires and aspirations, this is also a moment when you can reconsider past choices and let go of attachments or attitudes that no longer serve you.
The end of June brings a dilemma: do we give in to the pull of tradition (courtesy of the Cancer Sun and the Capricorn Moon) or do we follow the road less taken (Saturn in innovative Aquarius, squaring Uranus)? We feel the need for change and we’re ready to take that bold step forward, but things are shaping up slowly and circumstances don’t seem to align just yet.
We need to focus on what we can control, day by day, and make the efforts needed to reach our goals, trusting that we will get there in divine timing. Asking for advice from someone with more experience or revising previous plans can support us at this time.
Those of us with important points or planets at the beginning of Aries, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn will feel this cosmic moment the most, but all of us can benefit from a bit of planning, coupled with nurturing rest, at the end of June. Happy Full Moon!
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