Astro Alert: The Sun enters Taurus
•Posted on April 18 2022

As the Sun enters Taurus on the 19th, the week’s energies can either be destructive or powerfully creative, depending on our decisions.
Taurus season supports us to ground the projects that we’ve initiated when the Sun was in Aries: patience, perseverance, and a strong material focus are key traits for this stable Earth sign. We’re entering a time frame that supports us to get organized, focus on what we can control, and nurture pleasure and appreciation for our skills and resources.
The Sun enters Taurus:
April 20 – May 20

As the Sun enters Taurus, we’re stepping into one of the most sensual months of the year: in concert with nature’s unfolding, we’re supported to connect to the wonders of our senses and to the beauty all around us, finding peace in the simple things and relishing in the slow and steady rhythm of Mother Earth.
If Aries season was all about taking action, Taurus brings the energy of patience and perseverance, supporting us to turn that initial spark of enthusiasm into something sustainable. Beyond pleasure, this steady sign has the ability to single-mindedly follow his goal without shying away from extra effort. This is why Taurus season can be a busy one for many of us. It’s a great time to invest in our career or business, to gain wealth, and to amp up confidence in our practical skills.
Abundance is a keyword for the upcoming season: we’ve got a great opportunity to focus on what we have, to appreciate our resources, and to set intentions of growth. Working on our money mindset can be helpful at this time! Practices such as gratefulness, self-care, and bodywork can support us to heal our relationship with the material plane.
The upcoming season brings the most changes for those of us with strong Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, or Aquarius placements, but all of us can enjoy an extra dose of sensuality and motivation in the life area ruled by Taurus in the birth chart.
Check Out Your FREE Monthly Horoscopes Here To See How The Sun Entering Taurus Will Affect You!
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