Astro Alert: Partial Solar Eclipse in Taurus
•Posted on April 27 2022

Finally, the last week of April packs a punch: Pluto stations toward retrograde on the 25th, marking the start of a couple of weeks when we’ll process heavy themes and uncover secrets or past wounds, while the first Eclipse of the year takes place in Taurus on the 30th.
Pluto retrogrades on the 29th, supporting us to go within and befriend both our strongest desires and our deepest fears. Close to Uranus, the planet of innovation, the New Moon Eclipse can mark a new financial or professional start, a surprising change that supports us to align with our path and embrace abundance.
Partial Solar Eclipse in Taurus:
April 30
This spring’s Eclipse season brings a Taurus Solar Eclipse and a Scorpio Lunar Eclipse, activating themes around money, resources, self-worth, sensuality, sexuality, and attachments. We can feel its effects from around mid-April until the end of May: this window of time can bring fated events, asking us to let go of our need for control and certainty and to open up to the unknown. As all Eclipse seasons, it’s uncomfortable for the ego, but soothing for the soul. Events that are happening now are meant to realign us with our soul path.
The Taurus Eclipse on the 30th is a supercharged New Moon that brings opportunities and opens up new doors when it comes to the material plane: money, business, personal skills, work, our relationship with our bodies, and our connection with nature. In these areas, we can receive support to jump to the next level if we’re aligned with our soul… or we can encounter obstacles and go through a period of upheaval if we’ve made choices that go against our nature.
The Eclipse happens in conjunction with Uranus, the planet of change and revolution. On a global level, we can expect (more) major changes and fluctuations in the financial area: if Eclipses are meant to realign us with our path and Taurus speaks about valuing the Earth’s resources and tempering our need to consume and to attach, a breakdown could be the only way to wake up and start making more sustainable choices. The Sabian Symbol for this Eclipse is “A woman watering flowers in her garden”: a call to cultivate gratefulness and simplicity, finding stability in the middle of change.
On a personal level, the Eclipse can bring financial changes, shifts in our schedule or workload, insights linked to our money mindset, or the need to release a certain attachment so we can move forward. Shifts could be uncomfortable, especially for those of us with strong Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, or Aquarius energy in the birth chart: this Eclipse is a lesson in adaptability, showing us that the universe is in perpetual change.
With Pluto, the planet of transformation, freshly retrograde in Capricorn and still stationing (appearing to stand still), this Eclipse is about accepting the death and the rebirth of a certain part of our lives and learning to embrace not only what helps us feel safe, but also what makes us feel deeply alive.
Venus, the ruler of Taurus, forms a conjunction with lucky Jupiter in Pisces, showing us that there is abundance to be found in allowing our emotions to flow and releasing attachments that no longer serve us. The North Node of destiny leaves its mark on the Eclipse, showing us that the moment’s events support us to move forward, embrace novelty, and have faith when we look toward the future.
Those of us with strong Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, or Aquarius in the birth chart will feel the groundbreaking energy of this Eclipse the most, but all of us can be led toward something new in the life area ruled by Taurus in the birth chart.
Recommendation: it’s best not to set intentions during the Eclipse. The influence of destiny is stronger than our free will at this time, because Eclipse seasons show us the results of what we’ve already chosen in the past. It could be a good idea to ask for support from the Universe and to nurture a state of receptivity.
Eclipse Journal Prompts:
- How easy is it for me to accept change and to trust that I am safe and supported by the Universe?
- What helps me feel grounded during uncertain times?
- What vision for the future inspires me and motivates me to step outside my comfort zone?
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