Book of the Week - The Law of Success, Volume I & II by Napoleon Hill

Written by Dragana Ivanovska


Posted on May 29 2019

Hello, fellow bookworms!

Now that the warm weather has awoken you all, you feel more refreshed, energized and ready to dive in into a new adventure on the pages of our book recommendations, right? Well, brace yourselves because today we have two book recommendations for you! We are talking about - The Law of Success, Volume I & II by Napoleon Hill.

Why should I read The Law of Success, Volume I & II by Napoleon Hill?

Abundance is very important in life. Both, spiritual and financial, abundance provides comfort, security and often the means to lead a better life. However, the abundance of either kind is hard to achieve. To achieve spiritual abundance, you need self-discipline, and to discover the power within. To achieve any other kind of abundance you need spiritual abundance. In his books, Napoleon Hill talks about sixteen principles, that will help you to master yourself, and through mastering yourself to master every part of your life. The very first thing you will learn is what your power truly is, and how the concept of power that you had in your mind has nothing to do with real power.

If we sow the seeds of hatred and envy and discouragement in others, we, in turn, develop these qualities in ourselves.

Napoleon Hill, The Law of Success, Volume II: Principles of Personal Power

The pair of these books are very detailed and they offer guidance to build yourself up. It’s not an easy read at all, however, it is well worth. We gladly recommend picking these two books up if you want to learn more about manifestation, yourself and achieving abundance. Your magic awaits!

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