Word Of The Week - The Four Elements
•Posted on April 09 2020

Mother Nature is all around us. Since ancient times we know that Mother Nature is composed of four different aspects or better-called elements. The elements in Nature represent different aspects of nature, they are an individual part and expression of Nature. They have a physical and spiritual representation. Physically, we can see and feel these elements. We also consist of them as children of Nature. But, in a spiritual aspect, we are all a combination of these elements, and they can help us uncover who we truly are, and aid us on our journey of self-discovery.
What is the meaning of each of the four elements?
Knowing what each element represents, and recognizing it within you can help you to find and discover yourself spiritually. Here is the meaning of each element and how it connects to different chakras and crystals:
Now Fire is the element with which everything begins. It’s the first element that was created once the Universe was created. Astrologically, the year and the new cycle of the year starts with the Spring Equinox which is always in the sign of Aries – first of the zodiac sign, and a sign is driven by the energy of fire. Fire represents energy, light, power, empowerment, self-confidence, creativity, courage and passion. It’s an element that helps you in finding the courage to express yourself freely to the world as you are.
Although Aries is the first astrological sign driven by this energy in the zodiac, there are a few more zodiac signs driven by Fire energy like Leo and Sagittarius. The Solar Plexus Chakra is the chakra you need to work on if you want to get in touch with the fiery energy within, and if you need help doing it crystals like Carnelian, Bloodstone, Red Jasper, Garnet, and Sunstone can really help because they resonate with the fire energy.
Next up is the Earth Element. If everything started with the explosive energy of fire, then everything came into a steadier state with the Earth element. Astrologically, the second sign of the astrological new beginning is Taurus – driven by earth energy. Earth represents grounding, inner strength, perseverance and connecting with yourself, roots & family.
It’s an element that helps you to build up your inner strength and to create a strong foundation for building yourself up in the best possible way. Although Taurus is the first sign of the new astrological year to represent the earth's energy, there are a few more zodiac signs driven by earth energy – Virgo and Capricorn. The Root Chakra is the chakra you need to work on if you want to get in touch with the earth's energy within, and if you need help doing it crystals like Hematite, Red Jasper and Black Tourmaline can really help because they resonate with the earth energy.
Then comes the Air Element. Once everything settled down with the earth element, air came and breathed life into the Universe. Astrologically, the third sign of the astrological new beginning is Gemini – driven by air energy. Air represents intellect, intuition and it represents how you connect with the Universe. It’s an element that helps you to learn life’s lessons and become wiser.
Although Gemini is the first sign of the new astrological year to represent the air energy, there are a few more zodiac signs driven by air energy – Libra and Aquarius. The Third Eye Chakra is the chakra you need to work on if you want to get in touch with the air energy within, and if you need help doing it crystals like Lepidolite, Lapis Lazuli, Fluorite can really help because they resonate with the air energy.
Then comes the Water Element. Once everything came to life, water helped to keep it alive and to truly live. Astrologically, the fourth sign of the astrological new beginning is Cancer – driven by water energy. Water represents dreaming, purification and flowing at the moment. It’s an element that helps you to live life to its fullest.
Although Cancer is the first sign of the new astrological year to represent the water energy, there are a few more zodiac signs driven by water energy – Scorpio and Pisces. The Sacral Chakra is the chakra you need to work on if you want to get in touch with the water-energy within, and if you need help doing it crystals like Aquamarine can really help because they resonate with the water energy.
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