Partial Solar Eclipse 2019 in Capricorn - Incoming Tomorrow!
•Posted on January 04 2019

Remember the adventures from last year’s August? January spins a fresh tale in our lives through two brand new eclipses: a Partial Solar Eclipse in Capricorn on the 5th and a Total Lunar Eclipse in Leo on the 21st. Eclipses are times of upheaval, change and revelation in our lives, when what has been lying in the shadows often comes to the surface.
As you can probably remember, a Solar Eclipse happens on a New Moon, when the Moon conjuncts the Sun, while a Lunar Eclipse happens on a Full Moon, when the Moon opposes the Sun. Solar Eclipses can be marked by exterior events and shifts, while Lunar Eclipses deal with inner processes, emotions, subconscious material. These two come in pairs every 6 months, so inner movement works in harmony with outer change. January won’t be an exception!
January the 5th- Partial Solar Eclipse in Capricorn
On the 5th, the Solar Eclipse takes place in heavy Capricorn, in conjunction with time lord Saturn and with underground ruler Pluto. These two have been Capricorn’s tenants for a while. Capricorn rules structure, authority, discipline and responsibility. It deals with how we can claim our inner authority and discipline ourselves in relation to the outer structures and authorities that we encounter in society. Saturn here has been emphasizing these very characteristics for the past couple of years, while Pluto is calling for a transformation: a new kind of structure, a new type of authority and discipline in the world.
We’re very familiar with dissatisfaction over government policies. Many politicians want to tighten their grip (Pluto also symbolizes power) and keep the status quo (signified by Saturn and Capricorn), yet society calls for a new approach, one that doesn’t go against the people and against the planet anymore. We can see this reflected in our lives as well. Have you noticed that the more you try to viciously control a part of your life (work, eating habits, routines, relationships), the more resistance you meet? Change eludes us until we’re ready to let go of excessive control, understanding that we have to accept and embrace something fully (Cancer, Capricorn’s opposite sign, is all about tenderness) before we’re ready to improve it.
These are some themes that will be activated by this Solar Eclipse. New Moons are new beginnings when we set our intentions for the months to come, yet we’re still in the shadows, we don’t have all the information necessary to act. This uncertainty can be uncomfortable. Solar Eclipses amplify this uncertainty and can trigger external events that make us see just the type of fresh start that we need.
Since this eclipse takes place near the South Node (past, karma), in this case we’re also reminded of what we need to let go of in order to move forward. It might be a limiting work situation (Capricorn rules work), especially if that particular work feels miles away from our life purpose. It might be an inner obstacle that keeps us delaying and procrastinating things we know are important to us. It might be fear, anxiety or some of the nastier forms they can take- authoritarianism, an obsessive need for control that wants to keep us safe (Cancer, Capricorn’s opposite sign, loves safety), but ends up limiting our world and driving others away.
Since Venus is in the last degrees of transformative Scorpio, it might also be a toxic relationship. Neptune in Pisces sextiles this Eclipse, offering tender support in the form of compassion, self-compassion, idealism, softness. Transformation and discipline don’t have to be forced or tormenting. Even when suffering is inevitable, we can stay present and ask ourselves what we truly need to feel better.
It’s clear by now that society needs to get rid of many of its misleading patriarchal standards and open up to acceptance, emotion and vulnerability. What about you? What do you need to transform and where do you need to find an organic self-discipline that stems not from exterior standards, but from a real desire to nurture yourself? Read this January’s horoscopes to find out what area of your life is influenced!
You can also check out your chart and see if you have planets around 15 degrees in the cardinal signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn. If you do- especially at a 1 degree/2 degrees orb- it’s more likely that you won’t miss the effects of this Eclipse. Remember that even if it might be heavy, this Eclipse wields a huge amount of power that can set off a new beginning in your life!
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