New Moon Moonstone Ritual
•Posted on February 21 2020

The New Moon is all about planting new seeds of intention and kicking starting new habits in your life. The keyword for this moon phase is starting. Sometimes starting happens in your mind and other times it means getting out there and starting some new. This is the perfect time to make a list of anything you wish to manifest in the future, create a vision board of an area in your life you desire to change or even light a candle to signify the need for change.
Anyone new who comes into your life around this time could be of significance, as they more than likely bring some sort of gift of healing and learning for you. Also, if you want to make a change to your appearance or start a new wellness routine, making this change or starting this new habit around the New Moon gives it an extra kick. New Moon energy is great for creating lasting changes in our life. Give it a little extra kick with some Moonstone!!
To help you start off on your magical journey through the moon phases, we are helping you start off a new beginning as the New Moon shines over you! We have created a powerful New Moon Manifestation Ritual that requires only a piece of Moonstone, a pen and a piece of paper.
1. First, we will need to map out what we want to manifest. Take your pen and paper (or write below), and think about your goals for this month. Focus on:
What do you want to achieve?
How do you want to change the direction of your life?
What new thing do you want to try out?
Give yourself the time to figure things out. When you are ready, start writing your intentions down. Although you can write as many as you want, we recommend you write down no more than three things on your list. If you focus on too many things at the same time, you’ll just overwhelm yourself. Creating your own damn magic takes time, and instead of trying to be a one-man army, and do everything in a month, give yourself the time and space, and perform this ritual monthly, and slowly but surely achieve all of your goals.
2. Sit down on the floor (or anywhere comfortable) and begin taking deep, slow and steady breaths. We are going to work with our Moonstone now.
Continue breathing slow and evenly.
Once you are feeling really relaxed, imagine the last time you accomplished something really important in your life. It’s important that you summon up the feeling you had when you accomplished it. Just to sit in that feeling for as long as you can.
Now, I want you to imagine that you are just figuring out that you accomplished the goal you wrote down above. Your intention to tie the intention you just set out with the feeling you had the last time you accomplished something magical. Hold on to your moonstone when doing this.
Now, gently ask your moonstone to help you bring this forth. Once you have shared your intention with your crystal, your only job now is to keep remembering this feeling and expecting it to happen.
Take a few deep breaths and connect with your Moonstone.
When ready open your eyes.
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