Astro Alert: New Moon in Cancer
•Posted on June 22 2022

This same day brings a powerful New Moon in Cancer, a new beginning for home and family-related matters that bears the mark of faith, expansion, and inner strength.
We’re supported to set intentions of safety, nurturing, and protection for the people we love and the values we believe in, seeking out new ways of expressing our needs and emotions and taking care of our inner child.
New Moon in Cancer:
June 28
The end of June brings an emotional and expansive New Moon in Cancer, a time for new beginnings in the area of home, family, roots, and inner security. In the darkness before the dawn, we’re supported to gather our strength and co-create a new chapter of safety and nurturing for ourselves and our loved ones. What messages does your intuition have for you? How can you allow these messages to guide your New Moon intentions?
In the instinctual sign of Cancer, the Moon feels at home and it asks us to trust the language of our bodies and our souls, even when it appears to elude logic. This cosmic event is particularly powerful because the Sun and the Moon are in a close conjunction with Black Moon Lilith, an astrological point that shows our wild side, our untamed feminine energy, and our tendency to rebel against injustice.
In Cancer, Lilith portrays the wild woman archetype, the healer, the mystic who is willing to open up to a new depth of emotion, even if the process is non-linear and messy. The dark feminine has been banished from our collective consciousness for centuries… and Lilith in Cancer supports us to acknowledge and integrate her during this New Moon, recognizing that there is power to be found in sensitivity, intuition, and emotion. How can you make space for this side of you, honoring her feelings and her deeply instinctual wisdom?
Lilith also highlights wounds linked to rejection and shows the life areas where we tend to make mistakes by repeating unconscious patterns. In Cancer, her wounded expression can manifest as emotional volatility and manipulation.
Feeling misunderstood, believing that the world is against you, or finding it difficult to trust your intuition and to express your needs can be signs of ancestral and personal trauma around attachment and nurturing. How can you go deeper within yourself and your history at this time, trusting that the energy will become clearer as the Moon regains her power in the following days? How can you find a safe space in the situations and with the people who nurture your soul?
The New Moon forms an exact square with Jupiter, the planet of expansion and opportunity: our emotions (including the typical New Moon uncertainty) can be stronger than usual at this time, while our need to take action, make a change, or grab an opportunity (perhaps linked to the areas of home, family, children, or nurturing) can be amplified. The Sun in Cancer and Jupiter in Aries are both bold and protective, but they have different objectives: Cancer is looking for emotional security, while Aries revels in the pure joy of new experiences. The New Moon can bring an inner or an outer conflict of values and priorities, supporting us to choose wisely and to think before taking a leap of faith.
The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon, “A group of rabbits dressed in human clothes walk as if on parade”, reveals the challenge of authenticity and boundaries. Jupiter expands what it finds in the astrological chart; in a tense aspect with the Sun and the Moon, it can make some of us lose perspective, overestimate our abilities, and take on more than we can handle. Keep an eye out for what feels like “too much” in your life at this time, whether it’s risking too much, oversharing or overgiving, making fear-based decisions, or letting other emotions get the best of you.
At the time of the New Moon, Neptune has just turned retrograde in Pisces, amplifying subjectivity and enhancing our sensitivity; this transit makes the Cancer Moon a great time for spiritual practices or artistic pursuits. Ancestral healing or water rituals are particularly supported, but anything that connects us with our feminine, intuitive side can work wonders right now.
Those of us with strong Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn energy (especially with planets around the 8th degree of these signs) can feel the influence of this New Moon the most, but all of us can open a new, expansive chapter, guided by our instincts and intuition, in the life area ruled by Cancer in the birth chart.
New Moon Journal Prompts:
- What message does my wild feminine side have for me and how can I weave it into my New Moon intentions?
- How can I improve my relationship with my family, my inner child, or my living space as I explore what safety and nurturing mean for me?
- What does coming home to myself feel like?
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