Astro Alert: Mars Enters Aries
•Posted on June 27 2020

Brace yourself for an extended fast ride as passionate Mars transits his home sign, Aries, from June 27 to next year’s January 6! Even if he’ll be shifting to a lower gear for two months of retrogradation, internally we’ll be on fire the whole time, fueled by passion and instinct as we’re itching to make things happen.
Mars in Aries is all about swift, intuitive action emerging from the pre-verbal language of our instincts. The warrior god is at home in tempestuous Aries, where courage and self-determination turn him into a pioneer- often a loner- with tremendous energy for reaching his goals.
For the rest of the year, we’re called to embody this fierce energy by clarifying our ambitions, daring to start things on our own, and assuming risks when our intuition tells us to. It’s a time to leave behind what other people might expect from us and to take steps toward what we really want from life, building confidence along the way. The shadow side of Mars in Aries can come up as a short temper or a tendency to rebel against anything that we might perceive as limiting. If there are arguments to be had, they’ll probably unfold during this transit, reaching a conclusion towards the end of the year.
Mars in Aries needs to balance out its strong individualism with a healthy dose of cooperation, especially during these trying times. To avoid saying or doing things that we might regret later, it helps to stay mindful and to invest all that fiery energy into physical exercise or an activity that we’re deeply passionate about.
By the start of next year, many of us will have sorted out power imbalances in our relationships and careers with a new-found sense of confidence and trust in our ability to go after the things (or the people) that we want. If you have strong Aries, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn placements, the rest of 2020 can be a real game-changer for you!
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