Astro Alert: March Virgo Full Moon 2020
•Posted on March 03 2020

As March arrives with an inspiring Full Moon in Virgo and a fiery Aries New Moon, it’s a time for dreaming and doing- a perfect combo for the refreshing start of spring. What will this month’s moons bring us as we get ready to step into a new astrological cycle?
Virgo Full Moon: March 9
A Full Moon in Virgo sheds light on the way we relate to our bodies, to our daily routines and to the work that we do as service for others. This is a time when what we’ve started in September 2019 related to work or health is coming to fruition, perhaps in the form of a positive result or a wake-up call to change what hasn’t been working. Since the Full Moon opposes a conjunction between the Sun and dreamy Neptune, themes related to dedication, personal mission, sacrifice, contribution and health are likely to come up on a personal and collective level.
If we still need to work on calibrating Virgo energy in our lives, we could be feeling restless, anxious or pressured by invisible standards around this time. The opposition to Neptune can bring up feelings of inadequacy, confusion about our mission and our health or emotional contagion. The Coronavirus infodemic could reach a peak moment at this time, since Virgo rules health (and hypochondria) and Neptune rules the masses (and illusions). A good way to stay grounded is to only pay attention to official, accurate information, loyal to Virgo’s high standards, and to take practical, realistic steps towards your and your loved ones’ health.
When it comes to our sense of purpose- the way our daily work reflects our ideals-, we could go through reconsiderations at this time, especially since Mercury, Virgo’s ruler, is still retrograde. What hasn’t been working for you in the area of work and daily habits? What do you need to restructure and rethink in order to bring your daily life closer to the ideals that motivate you? This Full Moon is a time to find balance between work and rest, planning and allowing. It’s a good idea to do a detox and to connect to your inner artist or healer.
Fortunately, the Virgo Full Moon forms no less than four harmonious aspects with planets in Capricorn! We’re supported to keep faith and to follow our ideals (Moon trine Jupiter), to act in a practical way (Moon trine Mars), keeping discipline (Moon trine Saturn) and at the same time being ready to transform parts of our daily lives that are no longer working (Moon trine Pluto).
These are easy aspects, so their energy is readily accessible to us- we just need to reach out and use it in a practical, hands-on, typical Virgo/Capricorn way to reconsider and to improve concrete things in our lives. Don’t let yourself dazzled by how wonderful (or scary) things should or could be; come back to the present and work from here, with gratitude and responsibility.
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