Astro Alert: Jupiter Retrograde In Aries
•Posted on July 18 2022

Jupiter, the planet of expansion and abundance, stations to retrograde at the end of the month, highlighting what is “too much” in our lives and bringing an opportunity to slow down, reflect, and choose sustainable growth.
Starting from the 28th, Jupiter retrograde in Aries marks four months when progress might seem slower than usual: this transit supports us to nurture an abundance mindset, work on our self-confidence, and cultivate wealth from within.
July 28 – October 28

Jupiter, the planet of luck, growth, and expansion isn’t sidetracked during his retrograde motion: he still supports us to reach for the stars, but with an extra dose of awareness and moderation. From July 28 to October 28, Jupiter retrograde in Aries shows us how to listen to our instincts while also working on our ability to delay instant gratification.
Since May, Jupiter in Aries has favored the bold, supporting us to take action with an extra dose of confidence as we connect with our inner leader, pioneer, or warrior. The end of July brings the beginning of a transit that helps us reconsider our approach and tell the difference between risks that we’re willing to take and actions that are fueled by boredom, impulsivity, or aggression.
It’s also a matter of timing: even if we might feel like charging full speed ahead, Jupiter retrograde encourages us to welcome a time of incubation when we can refine our projects before launching them. Aries loves new beginnings, but retrograde planets shift our gaze to the past and prompt us to appreciate the progress we’ve made until now. What is worth keeping? What can you repurpose and how can you let your inner fire guide you in this process of becoming more intimate with your desires and your creative spark?
With Chiron, the wounded healer, also in the daring sign of Aries, this year is about finding pathways to wholeness as we’re becoming our own heroes. Use this Jupiter retrograde season to reflect on what you appreciate about yourself, what you’ve achieved, and what you deserve (love, joy, success) simply for being yourself and shining your light out into the world.
From July 27 to August 1, Jupiter’s station can bring pivotal events linked to our creative self-expression and self-assertion in any of the following areas: education, travel, foreign affairs, publishing, spirituality, teaching, or finances. Stay mindful of new opportunities in these areas and make the most of this transit by connecting with your most expansive self and tapping into your inner guidance.
From October 28 to November 23, Jupiter will retrograde back into Pisces, where he will revisit themes around hope, faith, inspiration, creativity, but also illusion and disappointment that were active for us during May 2022. Until December, Jupiter will have his last dance through dreamy Pisces for the following twelve years, supporting us to wrap up what we’ve learned and integrate what we’ve experienced in the area of spirituality and creativity in the past year and a half.
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