Helping each other out is everything! - Just Good News
•Posted on March 02 2018

Hello everyone!
The long, loooong week is finally coming to an end and it’s time to soak up some positive vibes from out Just Good News. People have been doing amazing, outstanding things every day, and we are so lucky that we caught so many of them to show you and inspire you! Are you ready for the amazing selfless acts of kindness that will warm your hearts? Or the power of uniting each other and helping each other? We have it all for you! Read up and let the magic of positivity overtake you!
Selfless acts of kindness
When a kid selflessly donated his kidney, an amazing chain reaction happened. There were a lot of people that weren’t a match for their closest family but donated their kidneys anyway. That way, a domino surgery was performed, which means dozen people will get kidneys even though they couldn’t find a match from their relatives, and won’t be stuck on machines. How awesome is that? You can check out the full story here.
Puppies need help too
When this little puppy got sick and could eat her food or drink without standing up her family decided to take the matter into their own hands. They were worried at first, but then they built her a special chair that helps her eat. Even puppies need help guys! You can check the full story here.
Together we are stronger
This coach brought the whole town together through sport. His town consists of many nationalities and races and quarrels were often an issue between the players of his football team. Through hard work and love, he managed to get through to them and help them get along and rise above their differences. We are all the same people! Together we are stronger! You can check out the full story here.
You rock Dolly!
Dolly Parton, besides being a musician, also has side projects. One of them is donating books to children. How cool is that? But wait, it gets better! This week, she just donated the millionth book! She is truly doing an amazing job! You can read the full story here!
Helping each other is everything!
In a town in England, people are doing the most amazing thing. There are many homeless people in the world, and we all do what we can. The cold weather isn’t helping much, but these people are leaving gloves, scarves and much more things, so the homeless people can use. Helping each other, at least a little is everything! You can read the full story here.
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