When Someone's Being a Jerk, Let Them Be.
•Posted on March 02 2018
That's right. When someone is being a jerk, let them continue being a jerk. Why? Because it presents you with the most wonderful opportunity. To take a pause. To step outside of yourself for a moment to observe the situation from a higher perspective. To try something new and different.
- Next time someone is in full force jerk mood, channel your inner observer and ask yourself a couple of questions. Try questions like:
- Why is this person so passionate about whatever this conversation is about?
- Why are they so upset?
- What were they doing immediately before this?
- What do they have to do after this? What is the end result that are trying to achieve?
- Is this their normal way of communicating?
- What makes them communicate this way?
After you've made a full assessment, the goal is that you've changed your reaction, or at least put it on pause long enough that you can approach the rest of the situation from a calm, collected and well assessed manner.
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