Astro Alert: Sun Enters Sagittarius

Written by Shereen Campbell


Posted on November 22 2021

Starting from the 21st, the Sun enters Sagittarius, bringing a much-needed breath of fresh air during an overall serious and introspective month. Sagittarius season is all about cultivating faith and expanding our horizons. What kind of new experiences are you looking forward to?

On the 24th, Mercury enters this freedom-loving sign as well, marking the beginning of a month when we’ll be thinking out of the box in search for truth and meaning in our interactions and our intellectual pursuits. The following month is great for starting a course or investing time in your spiritual practice!

The Sun in Sagittarius:
November 21 – December 21

Are you ready for a change of pace? After a month that’s been mostly focused on our emotions, resources, and values, Sagittarius season shakes things up by reminding us that the best things in life are free. A gust of wind in your hair, the crisp air of a mountaintop, the joy of gathering with loved ones and sharing affection and laughter – the following month is all about reconnecting to the bigger picture and recharging with joy, faith, and optimism.

This adventurous sign can be summed up in three words: meaning, expansion, and freedom. The next month is a great time to start a new course, connect with inspiring people, and do our best to learn and integrate new knowledge. Beyond facts, we’re supported to find ways of connecting the dots and allowing new information and experiences to widen our understanding of life. Usually, Sagittarius season is also a great time to travel, but with the current restrictions, a good idea would be to build up enthusiasm by planning for future adventures.

With the Sun conjunct curious Mercury, the end of October will be great for learning new things and thinking outside the box. Around the 23rd, the Sun conjunct the South Node of karma can bring spiritual teachers from the past back into our lives.

Perhaps some of us can actualize what we’ve learned in past lives and build upon our experience in areas linked to education or spirituality. This is also a good time to notice where we tend to get stuck in expressing the shadow side of Sagittarius: excessive judgment, a know-it-all attitude, or difficulty focusing and anchoring our hopes and dreams into reality. Life circumstances can call us to have confidence and to keep hope at this time.

Another major influence in the next month is the Sun-Neptune square, a tense aspect that warns us against setting our hopes too high or getting lost in fantasy instead of taking action. Shiny object syndrome is definitely something to be aware of during the first three weeks of November! On the bright side, we can use this influence in our favor by making the most of our imagination and bringing an extra dose of magic into our lives.


Tune In To Our Blog To Learn More About The Sun In Sagittarius!





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