Astro Alert: Mercury Goes Retrograde In Gemini And Taurus
•Posted on May 08 2022

On the 10th, expansive Jupiter enters Aries, where he will energize us with the courage to break the mold and initiate new projects in the following year. Those of us who are usually adventurous can feel even bolder at this time, while those of us who are used to staying in the shadows can seize the opportunity to shine in 2022.
However, on this same day, Mercury goes retrograde in Gemini, marking the start of three weeks when progress will be slow and communication, technology, and logistics might give us more headaches than usual. If you’re planning to launch a new project, sign a contract, or make an important change in your life, it’s best to wait until June.
Mercury Retrograde in Gemini and Taurus:
May 10 – June 3
Between May 10 and May 22, Mercury retrogrades in Gemini, its home sign, supporting us to slow down our thoughts and nurture moments of silence and mindfulness. Multitasking, mental chatter, or trying to make sense of things in a purely logical manner – these can be daily realities for most of the year, but Mercury retrograde brings the need to be more reflective and to approach life from a different point of view.
Because Mercury rules communication, learning, transport, short trips, and transactions, the usual Mercury retro mix-ups can be amplified during these weeks. In short, things aren’t functioning as smoothly as they should: when a planet is retrograde, its energy is turned inward and practical matters can be more difficult to tackle. The best thing to do at this time is to reflect, reconsider past decisions and information, relearn what we’ve studied in the past, and redo what hasn’t been fully satisfying before, especially in the areas of communication, learning, teaching, or transactions of any kind.
An old friend or classmate could re-enter our lives, while some of us could resume learning an old skill or go back to books, podcasts, or conversations from the past. We don’t have the energy to start something entirely new… and signing contracts or other important documents is not the best choice at this time.
While retrograding in Gemini, Mercury forms easy aspects with Jupiter and Mars in Aries, energizing our minds to seek answers, gain insights, and share knowledge. We can also have the opportunity to speak up in contexts where we’ve stayed silent before. Those with strong Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, or Pisces energy can feel more scattered during the first weeks of Mercury retrograde, but they can also have the opportunity to better integrate past information and decisions in time.
Between May 22 and June 3, the most impacted signs are Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. As Mercury retrogrades back into Taurus on the 22nd, we’re entering a week of potential confusion in the financial area: this is not the best time to make a major investment or to launch a new project. We might be dissatisfied with the results or there might be hidden strings attached. However, we’re supported to rethink our financial plans, reconsider our values and priorities, or (re)invest in something we’d abandoned before (as long as it fits our current priorities).
This is also a great timeframe to work on our money mindset or tweak a business plan; the practical focus of Taurus offers us the energetic support for reconsidering our relationship with the material world, from money and possessions to food and natural resources.
While retrograding in Taurus, Mercury forms easy aspects with Pluto and Neptune, supporting a strong focus on our material and spiritual values and favoring material and intellectual wealth. The beginning of June also brings a tense aspect between Mercury and Saturn: this is when issues around scarcity, self-criticism, and insecurity might come up for processing and release.
Check Out Your FREE Monthly Horoscopes Here To See How The Sun Entering Taurus Will Affect You!
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