The Quartz Family
•Posted on May 24 2020

Quartz is one of the most powerful and common crystal family in the crystal healing world. There are countless varieties, each energy signature slightly different, yet equally powerful. Here is how to work with the different quartz family crystals:
Clear Quartz
If you are seeking more clarity in your life, meditating with Clear Quartz is sure to help you dissolve blockages that are keeping you from getting a clearer insight. Clear Quartz is also known for meditations that focus on healing and cleansing our spirit.
If you feel like your life path has been blocked and you weren’t able to make progress with your goals, or you are feeling a little lost and unmotivated when trying to achieve your goals, then Clear Quartz will help you cleanse and find your path towards manifesting your own reality. Wearing a bit of Clear Quartz can also help you to keep negative vibes away, enhance the positivity and joy frequencies within you and it will also help you to discover the path towards manifesting your magic.
Clear Quartz is the best crystal to use when trying to connect with the Crown Chakra. Although there are many crystals that connect with the Crown Chakra, the connection Clear Quartz has with it is very special, because of the pure, light energy vibes Clear Quartz radiates with. The Crown Chakra is the path towards spiritual awakening, higher planes of existence, and access to ancient knowledge.
Smoky Quartz
Smoky Quartz was considered a sacred stone by the ancient Druids, and today Smoky Quartz is also known as the national gem of Scotland because of its deep significance in Celtic history.
If you are looking to ground yourself and finally dissolve those negative patterns, then truly there is no other crystal that can do a better job. Once you program your Smoky Quartz with your intentions, it amplifies the energy of the light, letting it shimmer, ground, and heal you in the process.
Its unique energy signature gives off a serene, gentle frequency which is why Smoky Quartz is used to harmonize and balance the chakras throughout the body. Mostly used to link and balance the Crown Chakra, the very center that controls how you think about and perceive the world.
Rutilated Quartz
Rutilated Quartz is also known as “Venus hair stone” because of the golden strands that are woven into the crystal itself. It’s a unique energy signature, gives off a serene, peaceful frequency which is why Rutilated Quartz is used to harmonize and balance the chakras throughout the body. Not only that but it also enhances your intuition and it is the best spiritual nurturer that you could ask for.
The road to spiritual awakening is clearer than ever since Rutilated Quartz has chosen to manifest in your life. A powerful talisman that will guide you through every step of your spiritual journey - Rutilated Quartz is something that you should keep close at all times.
Milky Quartz
If you are looking to relieve stress and cleanse negative vibes, then truly there is no other crystal that can do a better job. Once you program your Milky Quartz with your intentions, it amplifies the energy and sends it out into the universe constantly. Even if you get upset, Milky Quartz will restore the balance.
Its unique energy signature, gives off a serene, peaceful frequency which is why Milky Quartz is used to harmonize and balance your emotions, anxiety, and stress. It is also believed that keeping Milky Quartz close is a good luck charm.
Rose Quartz
If you are seeking to journey inwards and awaken self-love as well as accept all the pieces of yourself, then Rose Quartz will bring you profound insight.
Although it radiates with gentle energy, its energy is more than enough power to help you unwind all negative patterns and blockages that keep you from loving yourself genuinely. If you are looking to find your soulmate, then Rose Quartz is perfect because it simply attracts love in all aspects of your life.
Rose Quartz is also an excellent crystal for helping you nourish and strengthen your current love relationships. It offers insight into the deeper issues, understanding, and acceptance when used to balance a love relationship between loved ones.
Working with Rose Quartz long term, as well as wearing it will ultimately help you become gentler, kinder, and more loving.
Rose Quartz is a very special crystal because it’s used to balance the Heart Chakra, and yet it can also be used to draw in loving energy from the Universe. Although the Heart Chakra is primarily our gateway to universal and infinite love, the Heart Chakra is also the center of self-acceptance, deeper understanding of ourselves, and most importantly the center of harmony and balance.
Some keywords for Green Aventurine include healing, luck, balance, harmony, joy, transformation, and energizing. If you are seeking balance or increasing positive joyful energy in your life, then Green Aventurine is the crystal you want to pair up while meditating.
If you want to let go of old habits and pave the road towards joy for yourself, then the beautiful energy of Green Aventurine can help you do so. If you want to establish inner harmony, then Green Aventurine can help you do so through balancing and healing your heart chakra. Wearing Green Aventurine can add a boost to your energy levels, return your zest for life, and even help in inviting a little luck your way.
Green Aventurine is a crystal that is used to balance the Heart Chakra because it can be used to attract an abundance of love from the Universe. Although the Heart Chakra is primarily our gateway to universal and infinite love, the Heart Chakra is also the center of self-acceptance, deeper understanding of ourselves, personal growth, and most importantly the center of harmony and balance.
If you are seeking more clarity in your life, meditating with Amethyst is sure to bring profound insight. Amethyst is also known for connecting us with Spirit, including our higher self and any of our selves (present self, future self, or past self).
If you wish to deepen your shamanic journeying or timeline healing, she will definitely deliver these results. Finally, Amethyst is the master connector to our intuition. Wearing a bit of amethyst can add a boost to our intuition, helping us to recognize synchronicity in our lives guiding us closer to our higher purpose.
Amethyst is a third eye stone helping to balance, unblock, and activate the third eye. The third eye connects us with our intuition as well as our connection with the universe as a whole. When your third eye is open and balanced, synchronicity will be in abundance. You will move in flow with the universe and your ability to manifest will be heightened.
Citrine is one of the most amazing crystals in the crystal world. It belongs to the Quartz mineral class, and finding natural citrine is very hard.
Most of the citrine that you see on the market is made by treating other quartz crystals – most commonly amethyst on low heat until they change their appearance and composition into a Citrine crystal. Because it is heat-sensitive, citrine is best stored away from light and heat.
In the crystal world, Citrine is known as the Shining Sunstone. It is a crystal that simply radiates with high-frequency vibes that leave you in a more positive state. Citrine is known to boost creativity and personal will through which it enhances your problem-solving skills, ultimately helping you to manifest your dreams.
Citrine is also known as the Merchants Stone because of its ability to manifest abundance. Since its primary energy signature is to lead you through success, Citrine not only does it help you acquire wealth, it also helps you to maintain it. Its unique energy signature gives off a comforting yet energizing frequency which is why Citrine is used to harmonize and balance the Solar Plexus, Sacral, and Crown Chakra.
Besides its many spiritually enhancing uses, Citrine is also known to increase physical stamina and overall energy levels. If you are suffering from chronic fatigue like many of us, it’s a good idea to keep citrine close to you at all times!
Tiger’s Eye
Some keywords for Tigers Eye include manifestation, clarity, empowerment, and abundance. If you are seeking more clarity in your life, meditating with tiger’s eye is sure to bring profound insight – especially in understanding the root of the issue that has been bothering you, and finding a way to resolve it. Tiger’s Eye is also a stone of manifestation, especially prosperity and abundance manifestations.
If you often find yourself in your comfort zone, and you want to change, but you feel insecure and you keep staying in your comfort zone, then working with Tiger’s eye will do the trick.
Tiger’s eye promotes manifestation and change but does so by strengthening your personal will, giving you the personal empowerment boost you needed to gain the courage and manifest change in your life. Wearing a bit of Tigers Eye helps you to increase your self-confidence and feel more at ease with yourself in any given situation.
Tiger’s Eye is used to harmonize the chakras of matter – or the first three chakras. Tiger’s Eye possesses a unique ability to connect with the Root Chakra because it can clear your mind, connect the scattered thoughts, and put them in place to paint the whole picture, gaining a better perspective of your own reality. It is a stone for perceiving the truth, no matter how hard it is to see the truth.
Some keywords for Carnelian include courage, luck, empowerment, creativity, abundance, and awakening your sensuality. If you are looking to empower yourself, dig deep, and discover your true personal power, then Carnelian is an amazing crystal to help you to do so.
Carnelian also enhances creativity and cleanses all types of creative blocks that one might experience. If you want to accept yourself as you truly are, find your self-worth and self-respect then Carnelian is the stone to guide you towards the road of self-exploration. Also known as a great stone to enhance leadership skills, and to help balance our sexual energies by balancing the Sacral Chakra.
Carnelian is a sacral chakra stone helping to balance, unblock, and activate the sacral chakra. The sacral chakra connects us with our creativity, imagination, sexual energy, and desires and our overall happiness and fulfillment in life. When the sacral chakra is balanced, you feel content and fulfilled with yourself as a person, you feel free to create as you exist and you are in tune with your sensual and sexual energy, unafraid to express and experience a pleasure.
Some keywords for Onyx include grounding, strength, power, balance, self-mastery, self-discipline, cleansing, and transformation. If you are seeking to master yourself and find your inner balance then working, healing yourself, and meditating with Onyx will help you achieve just that.
Onyx is a crystal for inner strength, it’s energy is very strong and it will help you to let go of anything that doesn’t serve you for building yourself up. If you are lacking self-discipline and you constantly indulge yourself in the same old pattern then Onyx can help you break off those patterns and help you to master yourself.
Onyx is a strong protective and cleansing crystal, which is why you can also wear Onyx to shield yourself from negative vibes and to cleanse any negative vibes that might come your way. Onyx is a crystal that can balance the base chakras. However, some varieties like White Onyx can also balance the Crown Chakra.
Depending on which variety you use you can balance, energize, and reinvigorate different chakras. The root chakra or as it’s commonly known – the base chakra is the chakra with which the chakra system begins. It’s the very base on which your whole energetical chakra system is built upon. When the Root Chakra is balanced you will feel energized, safe, courageous, and you won’t encounter issues that threaten your very survival.
Some keywords for Red Jasper include balance, inner strength, life energy, courage, and perseverance.
If you are seeking to work on overcoming your fears and finding your inner courage then Red Jasper can bring profound insight during your meditations.Red Jasper is an amazing crystal that can help you to find your inner balance, and ground yourself in the present moment through meditations.
It’s also great if you feel like you are constantly exhausted because it’s a crystal that helps in increasing your life energy. If you feel like you have been starting a lot of projects but you lack the perseverance to see them through, then working with red jasper can help you to thrive and be more productive.
Red Jasper is a crystal that connects the best with the Root Chakra, and it is most commonly used for re-balancing the root chakra. However, Red Jasper increases life energy which is why it can also be used to re-energize and balance all the other chakras. The Root Chakra or the Base Chakra is the very first chakra of our energetic system. It’s the foundation for the whole energetic system in our bodies.
When the Root Chakra is disbalanced, the whole chakra system suffers from that disbalance. Like the foundation, the Root Chakra is the center of grounding, security, courage, and life itself. Red Jasper connects deeply with the Root Chakra, and it’s an amazing crystal to work with while balancing the root chakra.
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