What's The Best Day In June For Your Zodiac Sign?
•Posted on June 01 2020

Dear readers, you’ve probably noticed that some astrological events influence you more, while others can pass almost unnoticed. Every sign is more sensitive to certain aspects, such as the ones made by their ruler- for example, Mars aspects for Aries or Venus aspects for Taurus. Take a look below to see what day in June might bring the most changes for you!
ARIES: June 27
You’re bound to feel the day when passionate Mars enters your sign, Aries! If you’ve been lying low for the past month and a half while your ruler, Mars, was in introspective Pisces, now you’re coming back to life.
This shift of energy on a physical, emotional, and mental level will catch your attention- suddenly, you’ve got all these ideas and it’s much easier to take action, to move forward, and to speak up. You’re back on track!
TAURUS: June 25
Venus, your ruler, goes direct on the 25th, ending her retrograde season and bringing a new lease of life in your relationships and finances.
This is a day when you might tie the last loose ends of a romantic or business contract and step forward with increased confidence.
Remember that it’s an ongoing process, but starting from today, you’ll be clearer on what you value (hint: the list includes YOU) and you’ll find it easier to make choices that honor your priorities.
GEMINI: June 5
Mercury, your swift-minded ruler, perfects a sextile with inspiring Uranus on the 5th. Today, you can find an unexpected solution to a problem that’s been bothering you for a while, perhaps linked to finance or business.
The revelation could come during meditation, through a dream or through an interaction with someone who shakes you out of your usual perspective. Keep your intuitive channels open!
CANCER: June 20
Cancer, the Sun enters your sign on the 20th. This is a day when the whole world is celebrating your energy… and you should too!
If you’ve been laying low for the past month, now it’s your season to glow as the Sun enters your sign.
The increased confidence that you’ll feel will come from a spike in your physical energy and vitality, but also from your awareness of the gifts that you’ve been given. Enjoy being yourself!
LEO: June 3
Leo, the 3rd is a one-of-a-kind day for you! Your confidence levels, especially in your power of attraction, will spike up as the Sun conjuncts love goddess, Venus.
It’s an amazing day for romance, art, and pleasure of any kind, in a sultry and pleasant atmosphere. If you’re dealing with groups or crowds, they’ll probably adore you! Today, you could also revisit important issues with an old friend or an ex.
VIRGO: June 5
The 5th is a great day for innovation, socializing, and activism as your ruler Mercury forms a sextile with future-oriented Uranus.
Today, you could have an important insight linked to a problem that you’ve been wondering how to solve.
The revelation can be unexpected, coming through a friend, a protector or an online conversation. Keep your intuitive channels open and stay curious about the people you’re meeting today!
LIBRA: June 25
On the 25th, your ruler Venus finally goes direct, bringing a new perspective in your love life and your finances as she ends her retrograde period.
Today, things can fall into place when it comes to a past relationship, a study plan, or a travel arrangement.
You’re finally ready to move forward with a clearer vision of what you want to learn and experience in life and in your relationships.
SCORPIO: June 20
Mars, your traditional ruler, forms an expansive sextile with good-natured Jupiter on the 20th, marking a day when your courage and vitality will reach peak levels.
It’s a great time for creative pursuits, where you can receive help from a teacher, a guide, or a sibling.
Romance isn’t off the list either- you might be dying to make a conquest! Relish in the joyride as you chase your creativity and your desires.
It’s an intense day for you on the 30th as your ruler, Jupiter, conjuncts powerful Pluto.
Something will shift and transform in your life on this day, perhaps related to your finances, your business, or your values. You could uncover secrets or desires buried in the past or make an important deal.
If you’re going through financial hardship, a past opportunity could resurface and offer you important resources.
On the 28th, your ruler Saturn forms a supportive sextile with fiery Mars, spiking up your energy levels and motivating you to turn your plans into reality, especially when it comes to your finances and your home.
If you’ve been waiting for the confidence to take action- in your business, in your family-, today you could get a good opportunity to do so.
The 5th can be a great day for putting your ideas into practice as Uranus, your ruler, forms a sextile with skillful Mercury.
You could be tinkering around the house, brainstorming ways to improve work procedures, or having productive chats with your co-workers.
Today, it’s easier than usual to put your insights into words and exchange valuable information with others. Enjoy the friendly vibes!
PISCES: June 13
Your starry-eyed ruler, Neptune, forming a conjunction with fiery Mars makes the 13th an intense day for you. It’s a great time for inspired and compassionate action.
You’ll connect to your instinctual side as desire blends in with fantasy, making it very possible for others to perceive you as more attractive than usual. Today, you can take the initiative for giving shape to your dreams- sexually, creatively, or spiritually.
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