Top 5 Magical Things to Expect in 2020
•Posted on January 17 2020

Dear readers, 2020 isn’t short of surprises! The North Node shifts into quick-witted Gemini and Mars spends half of the year in the fiery sign of Aries while Saturn and Jupiter are starting their journey through progressive Aquarius. Expect a lot of action and courage from these active, masculine signs, while powerful aspects in self-contained Capricorn balance the cosmic landscape with a handful of introspection. So, what kind of magic should you expect this year?
1.Your Dreams And Aspirations Will Become Clearer And There Will Be More Opportunities To Turn Them Into Reality
In 2019, Jupiter (beliefs and aspirations) and Neptune (dreams and ideals) have been meeting on and off, forming a square that made it difficult to figure out what our shining star was telling us. Perhaps we were confused about what courses to follow, where (and why) to travel, what to aspire to in our professional life. Exterior circumstances might have reflected this inner lack of clarity.
In 2020, Jupiter and Neptune meet again, this time forming a sextile- an easier aspect, one that heralds hope and opportunity. Since Jupiter is in hard-working Capricorn, get ready to break a sweat! Many of us will make important decisions, fueled by their hopes and dreams. The steps needed to reach these dreams will become more obvious while external circumstances support our progress. This is a perfect year for doing some practical magic, especially as the Jupiter-Neptune sextile perfects around February 20 and October 12!
2. You Will Attract People Who Support Your Growth
As Saturn moves into the liberal sign of Aquarius from March 21 until July 1, much of our time and effort will go into building strong, long-term connections with people who share our goals and ideals. These are the people that we can unite with, bringing about the changes that we want to see in the world. Perhaps we’re talking about an NGO, an unconventional business or simply a common belief that the world can look very different from how we were told it should look.
Saturn in Aquarius supports us with an analytical, yet pragmatic spirit, an innovative approach that doesn’t shy away from breaking old patterns. Expect big changes when it comes to groups, friends, and work. From July to December, Saturn retrogrades one last time through Capricorn before entering Aquarius for good on December 17. This year is a time to embrace change, progress and all the quirks that make you different, even as you keep processing tension or resistance from old patterns, rules or “musts”. By the end of the year, when Saturn starts forming a square with groundbreaking Uranus while Jupiter joins him in Aquarius, it’s getting clearer and clearer that old patterns need to either bend or break.
3. You Will Be Focused On Your Goals And You Will See Opportunity In Challenges
Jupiter, the planet of abundance and growth, conjuncts transformative Pluto on April 4, June 30 and November 12. Three is a magical number, as are these two planets with strong potential for spirituality and alchemy. As we face the year’s inner and outer challenges, especially linked to work, goals, ambitions, and power, we have a fated opportunity to embrace the discomfort of change and to find the treasures that it brings us: growth, success, abundance.
We might witness power plays, ego trips, games for gaining more control and resources, but it’s up to us to use the creative energy of this aspect in our favor by staying fair and responsible, ambitious yet mindful of our own shadow. This is a year to push forward, to tap into strengths you never knew you had and to keep faith that the Universe has your back even in the most difficult moments.
4. You Will Learn More And Possibly Become A Jack Of All Trades
Starting with May, the North Node shifts from homely Cancer into curious Gemini. The North Node is a guiding light, a purpose to be followed, so for the next year and a half, we’ll be prompted to learn more, to juggle different interests and to approach things with an open mind. The South Node- karma, past patterns- will be in Sagittarius, so we’re called to detach from a need to always be right and to embrace tolerance instead.
Even if focusing on one single purpose might sound appealing, this period of time will constantly open up new doors and ask us to pay attention to a diversity of information and interests. Moreover, if the Cancer North Node has been helping us connect to our emotions since 2018, the Gemini Node is now pushing us to stay mindful of our thought patterns, our internal voice, and our breath. 2020 is a year that might find many of us back to school- literally or not- and ready to revamp the way we think, communicate and find meaning in our lives. Watch out for the Gemini and Sagittarius Eclipses- they’ll be our milestones!
5. You’ll Find The Courage To Take Life In Your Own Hands
From June 28 until the end of the year, fiery Mars will be in his home sign, Aries. This is a powerful, inspiring transit that will make it easier for us to act, to initiate, to throw ourselves into battles that we didn’t think we could win before. Whether it’s a new relationship, project, hobby or business, Mars in Aries gives us the stamina to take that first step towards success.
From September to mid-November, as Mars retrogrades, progress might feel difficult. It’s a time when we’re called to reflect, to plan and to conserve our energy, thinking of how we can improve what we’ve started in July and August. Then, as Mars goes direct again after the middle of November, nothing can stop us anymore! This year is a time to act, finally turning those lingering plans and intentions into reality.
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