The Ultimate 2020 Retrograde Calendar
•Posted on January 13 2020

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When it comes to 2020 retrogrades, no planet is sitting this year out! Rethink, reevaluate and reconsider are some keywords for the months between May and November, when we’ll have Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn in apparent retrograde motion. Mercury and the transpersonal planets (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) have their own schedule as well.
This being said, if you want to start a new project, consider doing it either in the spring or in winter for the best chances of success. By the end of the year, life will probably look different for many of us after an intense retro makeover!
1.Mercury Retrogrades In 2020
Three times in 2020, Mercury retrograde comes with the usual mix-ups- delayed flights, lost papers, misdirected emails and conversations gone wrong- but also with the opportunity to use intuition more than logic and to find new, creative solutions to old problems.
Mercury retrograde in Pisces and Aquarius: February 17- March 10
From February 17 to March 4, logical Mercury will be retrograding in intuitive Pisces, a sign where he naturally feels out of sorts. Expect a lot of daydreaming and confusion, especially because many of us will be with our head in the clouds. On the plus side, it’s a wonderful time for meditation and compassion- just don’t aim for things that are too practical!
From March 4 to March 10, Mercury goes into Aquarius, where he might make mistakes because of being too obstinate about his own opinions or failing to see the practical, humane part of his intellectual plans. Using the retrograde energy constructively, now we can rethink our independence, our ideas about the future and reconsider our friendships based on common perspectives and goals. -
Mercury retrograde in Cancer: June 18- July 12
From June 18, we have another Mercury retrograde season in a water sign. Our thinking will be more intuitive than logical, more influenced by our emotions than by reason. This can give birth to misunderstandings, especially with family or with close ones, but it will also allow us to reconsider the way we communicate our emotions and our needs.
Stay mindful of home and real estate issues around this time, making sure to check details twice. Until June 23, compassion and creativity are the key, while starting from the 1st of July, we’ll have to find a balance point between clashing perspectives. -
Mercury retrograde in Scorpio and Libra: October 14- November 3
From October 14 to 28, Mercury will be taking a trip to the underworld in powerful Scorpio. Expect mysteries to be revealed, secrets to come to the surface and our minds to look back towards past wounds and desires. It’s a good time for shadow work and reflection, less of a good time for reviving old sexual relationships (they might not last) or for dealing with financial matters. It can be an intense period when our deepest impulses have no choice but to peek their heads out from where we’ve hidden them.
From October 28 to November 3, Mercury retrogrades through Libra, prompting us to reconsider the way we communicate and compromise with others and to find more balance in our thoughts and words. Think about speaking your truth during this time and consider things carefully if you have to sign important contracts.
2. Venus retrograde in Gemini: May 13- June 25
For one month and a half, our love life, our relationships, and our spending habits will be in review. Venus retrograde is a period of sensitivity when we need a lot of self-soothing and patience to process old relationship stories.
In Gemini, there will be a lot of thinking involved, but possibly also meetings with old flames, friends, or classmates. Stay mindful of rekindling old loves or friendships, making important investments, overindulging, or starting a new dizzying romance- it’s not all bound to go wrong, but you might be missing some of the details.
Things might not last after Venus goes direct again. Venus retro in Gemini is a bit like a Mercury retrograde; don’t be surprised if communication isn’t exactly smooth during this time. Instead of getting lost in gossip or misunderstandings, it’s a good idea to invest your energy into something creative (perhaps writing or handcrafts) and to work on the relationship you have with yourself first and foremost. Dare to love yourself as you wish to be loved during the 2020 Venus retrograde.
3. Mars Retrograde In Aries: September 9- November 14
You can imagine Mars retrograde in Aries like someone trying to start a car and to reach full speed while the breaks are still on. We want it all and we want it now, but the obstacles around us and the memory of past failure or rejection can put a wet blanket on our impulses towards action. This is a challenging time for affirming and asserting ourselves. For two months every two years, the Universe is telling us to not rush things forward, as tempting as it may be.
Instead, we can reconsider past achievements and failures and we can sit with our anger and frustration, especially if it’s linked to a recurring theme in our lives. Feeling defensive, wanting to protect ourselves, wanting to attack, to conquer, and to take what’s ours- these are impulses that we might become familiar with during this time, especially in our relationship with authority figures.
As counterintuitive as that may be with impulsive Mars in Aries, it’s best to think before acting and to make amends with the idea that progress will be slow during the 2020 Mars retrograde. Anger and fighting will take us nowhere right now- at its worst, it might lead us to mishaps, so make sure you’re careful with fire or sharp objects. The Universe is telling us to plan, to rest, and to accept limitations so we can move forward with renewed strength and confidence after November 14.
4. Jupiter retrograde in Capricorn: May 14 - September 13
In 2020, Jupiter’s yearly four-month retrograde takes place in Capricorn, prompting us to reconsider how we organize ourselves and our resources to reach success. For some of us, unresolved issues linked to fairness at the workplace might resurface at this time, while others will feel like they have to work harder than usual to reach their goals. Jupiter retrograde in Capricorn makes us reevaluate our priorities, our beliefs about how society should function, our work ethic.
Corruption lies, or manipulation could come to the surface and it’s good to be aware of our own belief system in the middle of it all, staying mindful not to become too dictatorial about our ideas (however “right” they are). Check all the details if you’re starting a new job or joining a political or spiritual group at this time. Another helpful idea is to keep an abundance mentality, receiving and giving (money, energy, time) freely, even as resources might feel scarce or limited during this retrograde.
5. Saturn retrograde in Aquarius and Capricorn: May 11- September 29
Retrogradation suits Saturn; he’s all about careful planning and taking things slow even when he’s moving forward across the skies. After two years in his home sign Capricorn, Saturn enters Aquarius in March, where he will also retrograde from May 11 until July 2. In these two months, our newly found impulses towards freedom and rebellion are already being put to the test! Saturn asks for concrete plans and actions, framed by a long-term vision for the future.
This is an opportunity to analyze the plans we’ve made until now and to make necessary adjustments. We might be feeling like lone wolves during this time; if you’ll be going through a time of solitude or isolation, know that it’s there to help you clarify what kind of people you want to allow in your life. From July 2 to September 29, Saturn makes a last visit to his traditional home by retrograding in Capricorn.
The efforts that we’ve been making since 2018 to discipline ourselves and to overcome challenges will have to be evaluated and revised one more time before we can reap the rewards of our hard work. Similar to the 2019 Saturn retrograde, this is a period when we’re asked to be patient and resilient, continuing our efforts despite limitations and trusting that good things come to those who wait.
6. Uranus retrograde in Taurus: January 1- January 11, August 15- January 1 2021
The first days of 2020, together with a longer period in the second part of the year, are marked by Uranus retrograding in earthy Taurus. This is a time of reconsidering the changes that we want to make in our lives linked to ways of making money, handling material resources, investments or health habits. Unsubstantial changes or initiatives in these areas might need to be redesigned, while those of us who have been shying away from any kind of change have the opportunity to mentally prepare for what’s to come once Uranus starts moving direct once again.
7. Neptune retrograde in Pisces: June 23- November 29
Neptune retrogrades through his home sign Pisces once again, dissolving boundaries and making us more open to the energies around us. This is a time when illusions might unravel, making it easier to see the truth behind deceit. It can also be more tempting to find refuge in addictions as our emotions come to the surface, but it helps if we can see illusion or addiction as a misplaced attempt to connect to something bigger than life. Meditation, prayer, compassionate acts, art can be our guides during this yearly Neptune retrograde.
8. Pluto retrograde in Capricorn: April 25- October 4
Pluto retrograde is a time when secrets come to the surface, a time when we’re encouraged to do activities that might help us consciously bring to light what is hidden: shadow work, therapy, meditation, cleansing rituals.
The god of the underworld turns a piercing eye back towards himself and sees his own shadow. Through possible challenges or moments of intensity, Pluto retrograde brings us back to our power through vulnerability, surrender, and the courage to face our fears. Stay mindful of what power means to you and ask yourself how you can take it back from those things that have depleted you in the past.
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