Astro Alert: Saturn Conjunct Pluto in Capricorn
•Posted on January 14 2020

Astrologers have been talking about this for a long time: the two “terrible” planets, Saturn and Pluto, together in Capricorn, the lord of time and karma. Saturn and Pluto are conjunct once every 35 years and their meeting in Capricorn is a significant event that brings forward themes of power and control, authority and submission, old structures and transformation. Saturn represents structure and rules, while Pluto triggers transformation through bringing the personal and the collective shadow to light.
We might see an intensification of power plays on a global level- corrupted and abusive systems refusing to give in to a new, balanced approach while the counter-current keeps getting stronger. If we’re talking about change (Pluto), we’re talking about a lengthy process (Saturn), one that needs a lot of time, patience and responsibility if the old ways of corruption, injustice and judgement are to give way to a more humane approach. On a personal level, these might not be the easiest times as we’re called to embody responsibility, discipline, strength in the face of obstacles, yet also the strength to be vulnerable and to bring our wounds and our fears to light. Saturn has been approaching Pluto for the past year and it will maintain the conjunction, on and off, in 2020 as well.
This is the year when we might see the results of what’s been happening in 2019 linked to authority, responsibility, power and control, on a global as well on a personal level. Whatever it is that you are building or restructuring in your life at this time, keep in mind that you will need patience, hard work and resilience to get there- and the reward will be worth it!
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