The Eleventh Astrology House - Sharing is caring
•Posted on October 19 2018
Hello everyone!
Thank you for joining us on this magical journey through the astrology houses. Today its time to check out the eleventh astrology house - where everything gets a bigger meaning. Now that you have established yourself as an individual, in society it is time to share and give back to society. Every action you take that leads to a bigger involvement in the well-being of society is a part of the eleventh astrology house. And it's only natural to want to give back to the society that shaped you - the very society that will play a part in shaping your children and future generations.
Now that we’ve reached our goals and established our role in the larger order of things, it’s time to give back to the community that raised us. It can be our town, our country or the world, depending on how big we’re thinking- in the 11th astrology house, innovative ideas and social reform are at home. However, you don’t have to be a genius innovator in your field to have a well-developed 11th astrology house.
This is also where we find our friends, like-minded people who share our ideas and our values. If in the 5th astrology house, we were meeting our friends for fun times, here the encounters are more purposeful. Interesting conversation and meaningful action take place in this house, as well as integration in a larger group that shares the causes that we value. Volunteering, getting involved in humanitarian actions, being a political party member are all 11th astrology house endeavors.
Individual performance (the 10th astrology house) meets society at large as the well-being of the group takes center stage. It’s not all so serious, though- here is also where we enjoy time spent with friends and where we weave our dreams about a better future for us and for the world that surrounds us. Take a look at your 11th astrology house sign and planet placements to find out what kind of friends you attract, what are your hopes and dreams for the future and how you can best contribute to a group or to a cause!