Book Of The Week - The Crystal Bible Volume 1 By Judy Hall
•Posted on July 22 2020

Hello, fellow bookworms!
How are your reading adventures going? If anything good came out of quarantine, it was definitely having more time to read! We jumped onto our never-ending booklists, reading a lot of new books, and also revisited a lot of the oldies but goldies, and gained a new appreciation for them than the first time we read them around. As we did so, we got to learn a bunch more and we added a little joy to our quarantine season.
If you have been around and checking into our blog you probably noticed that we are in love with crystals and crystal healing. However, even after all these years of studying them, we know we have a lot more to learn about them!
We reviewed a lot of crystal healing books lately, some of the newer ones, and some of the ones we already read, and one of our favorites that helped us make the most sense out of the crystal healing world were definitely the Crystal Bibles by Judy Hall. She wrote several volumes, however, the very first one she wrote was an amazing starting place for beginner and advanced crystal healers!
Why should you read The Crystal Bible Volume 1 by Judy Hall?
If you have been struggling to make sense of the crystal healing world, and you have read a bunch of different articles that all tell different, contradictory uses for crystals, then you should definitely pick this book up. Judy Hall has devoted her life to writing these comprehensive guides for crystals, and her extensive knowledge for each and every crystal has helped her to create this masterpiece of a book. It truly lives up to its name – A Crystal Bible!
Besides her extensive knowledge of crystals, she also knows how to explain it plainly so that everyone can understand, and her beautifully designed book, filled with images, and sequences of what the crystal represents, and how to use it.
It’s not only a book that you read once, but it’s also a reference guide as you explore crystal healing. It’s an amazing book to help you explore, and learn about crystals. Definitely pick it up! And if you liked this one, make sure to check out volume 2 and volume 3 as well!
Crystal have been used for millennia to heal and bring balance. They work through resonance and vibration.
Judy Hall, The Crystal Bible Volume 1: The definitive guide to over 200 crystals
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