It's Just a Soul Journey: Feed Your Soul with Jamelle Sanders
•Posted on March 14 2016

Helloooo Mr. Successful! Meet Jamelle Sanders: award-winning entrepreneur, life and business strategist, author, speaker, CEO of Jamelle Sanders International and leading empowerment specialist. Jamelle Sanders is amazing because he has devoted his life to empowering individuals to fulfill their purpose in this world. It is important to Sanders that people everywhere maximize their potential and make a difference in the world – so important that his writing, which not to mention is incredibly inspiring, is centered around those very ideas. Besides his own blog, Sanders has been featured on The Huffington Post, NBC, HuffPost Live and a myriad of other media outlets. He has been named the World’s Coach, the #1 Entrepreneur Coach in the World, and the Premiere Voice of Empowerment. Also, Jamelle wrote his own book titled, Soul Journey about one's journey to soul empowerment. So, you get the hint. Jamelle Sanders is an amazingly talented source of inspiration for thousands of readers. He has strong affirmations in his faith and through those has developed the power of using his creativity and imagination for a greater purpose. So what feeds Jamelle’s soul? (Besides his own advice because its legit) His faith, reading, writing, taking walks, and self-reflection.
Are there any consistent activities or rituals you do to maintain a sense of inner peace? Prayer and reflection are key activities that bring me peace and help me live a centered life.
When you are in an emotional rut, what are your go to ways to bring yourself out of that feeling? My Christian faith is the main thing I turn to in difficult times. Also, I turn to wise mentors and coaches in my life who provide me invaluable wisdom and insights. In addition, I turn to prayer because it is a foundational pillar in my life.
Before beginning a creative process, what type of preparation do you normally undertake? Ultimately, I spend time brainstorming, planning and mapping out the direction I want a new project or plan to take. I feel that providing some type of outline helps me organize my thoughts and unleash my creativity and imagination.
Describe a time you underwent a particularly stressful situation and what measures you took to move through that process. Recently, my company went through a major rebranding. While I was excited about moving from a coaching business to an empowerment media company, I was also anxious and stressed about the process. If it was not for prayer, reflection, planning and sound mentorship, I do not know how I would have made it through that period. The results of the process were amazing and the brand has evolved into much more than I ever imagined possible. I believe in retreating to a place of prayer and reflection because sometimes you need to remove yourself from a situation in order for revelation to flood the soul. In those quiet moments of prayer and reflection I have discovered wisdom, solutions and peace that truly passes all understanding.
Do you have any favorite movies that always revive your spirit? One of my favorite movies to watch when I want to feel refreshed or inspired is Remember the Titans. I love the drama of the movie but I also love the message. The power of unity among humanity and the profound difference it can make. Also, I love to watch The Pursuit of Happiness. The adversity, crisis and challenges in the movie were intense. However, it reveals the resiliency of the human spirit and I think that is why it resonates with me in such a big way. Finally, I would have to say that the new film War Room is one that I turn to in times of crisis. It is a movie that talks about the power of prayer. Prayer has anchored my life and empowered me to impact lives around the world. War Room always helps me remain centered on my mission.
Is there a particular genre of music that brings you calm? I always say that there is no music like gospel music. The purity, sincerity and power of the lyrics always resonate with me in a deep way and that is why I have such a love for gospel music.
What is the most inspiring book you have ever read? Wow, I could name hundreds or even thousands of books here. I am an avid reader and I am always reading something new and exciting. However, when I think of the books that have truly changed my life I think of As A Man Thinketh, Think & Grow Rich, The Four Agreements and The Power of Vision. I would not be where I am today without these books.
Are there any particular exercise routines or practices that you use for grounding? If so, describe how you discovered them. I believe in taking walks and allocating time for reflection and self awareness. I believe that being out in nature and being open to the Holy Spirit are great ways to get centered and remain grounded. Of course, physical exercise is also a great way to reduce stress and gain clarity in your life.
What’s your favorite motivational YouTube or Netflix video? I love Addicted 2 Success. My good friend Joel Brown has launched the greatest motivational platform on the planet. I can always go there and be inspired and empowered for success in my life. Everyone should check out his YouTube. In addition, I have to shout out my mentor Gary Vaynerchuk (watch video below!). I live on his YouTube Channel and I learn so much from him every single day. Finally, I have to mention my good friend Trent Shelton. His motivational content is amazing. He is one of the biggest personalities on YouTube. He has a video for any season of your life and almost any situation you can think of. I could name many more but these are two of my absolute favorites.
Who is the most inspirational person you have ever met, and what did they reveal to you that never left you? I think the most inspirational person I have ever met would be Dr. Farrah Gray, a mentor of mine. However, something that he shared that continues to resonate with me is the importance of living life fully. I don't want to get to the end of my life with regrets. He reminds me of that often and it has never left me.
Contact at Or you can connect with him on Twitter @JamelleSanders. Book him for an event and learn more at:
Written by Katie Girouard.
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