Neptune in Aries: A New Era of Spirituality and Transformation (2025-2039)
•Posted on March 19 2025

We are officially entering an era none of us have experienced in our lifetimes—Neptune in Aries. This monumental transit hasn’t occurred since 1862, making this a once-in-165-year event! Neptune will make its grand entrance into Aries on March 30, 2025, moving back and forth between Aries and Pisces throughout the year before fully settling into Aries on January 26, 2026. And it will stay there until 2039.
What Neptune in Aries Means for All of Us
Neptune, the planet of dreams, illusions, spirituality, and creativity, is shifting from the dreamy, mystical waters of Pisces (its home sign) into the fiery, action-oriented sign of Aries. Neptune in Aries is about pioneering spiritual movements, courageously embracing one’s truth, and actively manifesting dreams. Where Neptune in Pisces encouraged us to reflect and seek compassion, Neptune in Aries wants us to move forward, take inspired action, and find our personal power.
Historical Context: What Happened Last Time?
The last time Neptune was in Aries (1862-1875), the world saw significant social and cultural shifts. The American Civil War and the abolition of slavery happened during this period, marking a battle for freedom and justice. Globally, there was a surge in spiritualism and interest in the occult, as well as the growth of new philosophical and religious movements.
We can expect Neptune’s journey through Aries to bring about bold spiritual awakenings, radical new philosophies, and transformative movements designed to break through the illusions we’ve collectively held. It’s about acting on our visions and standing up for what we truly believe in.
What This Means for You (By Sign/Rising Sign)
This Neptune transit will affect everyone differently depending on your sign and rising sign. For those with Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn placements between 0° - 2°, you’ll feel the impact most intensely. Those with Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius, and Aquarius placements in the same degrees may find this transit supporting their growth in magical ways.
Aries / Aries Rising
Prepare to reinvent yourself, Magic Maker. Neptune moving through your sign is all about reconnecting with your truest essence, learning to trust your intuition, and embracing a more authentic version of yourself. Crystals to work with: Amethyst, Fire Agate, Carnelian.
Taurus / Taurus Rising
Your inner world is calling, urging you to transform how you rest, recharge, and connect with the divine. Spiritual practices like meditation, dream journaling, and sound healing will feel particularly potent. Crystals to work with: Rose Quartz, Black Tourmaline, Smoky Quartz.
Gemini / Gemini Rising
Your vision for the future is expanding. Dreams around community, social causes, and your broader network will take center stage. Creativity blossoms when you collaborate. Crystals to work with: Sodalite, Blue Lace Agate, Labradorite.
Cancer / Cancer Rising
Career and public image are under Neptune’s mystical influence. You may feel called to pursue more meaningful, heart-centered work. Trust your instincts. Crystals to work with: Moonstone, Black Onyx, Aquamarine.
Leo / Leo Rising
Your personal beliefs and philosophies are evolving. This transit is about finding your own truth and sharing it boldly with the world. Crystals to work with: Citrine, Tiger’s Eye, Sunstone.
Virgo / Virgo Rising
Deep healing work is calling your name. Let go of limiting beliefs, release the past, and allow yourself to truly transform. Crystals to work with: Lepidolite, Fluorite, Clear Quartz.
Libra / Libra Rising
Relationships are being redefined. This transit will encourage you to balance between connection and individuality. What are your true desires? Crystals to work with: Rose Quartz, Aventurine, Rhodonite.
Scorpio / Scorpio Rising
Day-to-day life feels more spiritually infused. You may find new ways to bring magic into your routines and discover healing through creativity. Crystals to work with: Black Obsidian, Malachite, Bloodstone.
Sagittarius / Sagittarius Rising
Get ready for a creative explosion. Your muse is on fire, calling you to follow your passions and share your gifts. Crystals to work with: Lapis Lazuli, Sodalite, Pyrite.
Capricorn / Capricorn Rising
Home, family, and foundations will be areas of major transformation. Release what no longer serves and trust the rebuilding process. Crystals to work with: Garnet, Black Tourmaline, Smoky Quartz.
Aquarius / Aquarius Rising
Communication and self-expression take on a new depth. Speak your truth, write your story, and embrace your authenticity. Crystals to work with: Labradorite, Selenite, Blue Apatite.
Pisces / Pisces Rising
Neptune leaving your sign may feel like waking up from a long, strange dream. As it shifts into your 2nd house, focus on building tangible, practical dreams. Crystals to work with: Amethyst, Celestite, Aquamarine.
Rituals for Navigating Neptune in Aries
Visualization & Intention Setting: Tap into your deepest desires and visualize yourself living them. Neptune wants you to feel it first.
Candle Ritual: Light a red or gold candle for courage and confidence. Let it burn while you focus on your intention.
Journaling Prompt: What bold step are you being called to take, even if it scares you?
Final Thoughts
Neptune in Aries will push all of us to own our dreams and take action, no matter how messy or uncertain the path may feel. Are you ready to embrace the journey?
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