3 Magical Lunar Eclipse Rituals
•Posted on January 18 2019

Hello everyone!
As you already know, the Lunar Eclipse in Leo on the 21st is around the corner. Eclipses are very powerful times, anything can happen - from ending a repetitive process of pain and suffering to turning a new page, and creating your own magic. The Moon holds immense power, just look at what it does to oceans and remind yourself that you are made of 70% water.
Now that you know that the Lunar Eclipse is a big deal, why not use this time to create your own damn magic? We have created 3 mini rituals for you to perform during the Lunar Eclipse, depending on what you want to achieve. And the best part is, why choose one when you can do all three? Here are the 3 magical rituals for the Lunar Eclipse:
1. Cleansing Body, Soul and Mind
The Lunar Eclipse is the perfect time to put an end to all negative vibes, thoughts and cleansing yourself from the toxicity of the world!
Light your Cleansing Pillar. Breathe in and breathe out. Let the soothing and healing intentions combined with a special mix of essential oils envelop you.
Place the moonstone in front of the cleansing pillar.
Light your Sage (but before you do, prepare something to put it on, because it can get really hot to hold) and breathe in deeply.
Then, with the help of the feather, divert the smoke towards your moonstone. Once it is cleansed and ready to use, take your moonstone in your hand.
Close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Feel how the holy smoke of the sage combined with the healing power of the moonstone cleanses your body, soul and empties the toxic thoughts from your mind. Feel how the old, negative patterns are dissolving in front of the new, better version of yourself. Feel how the moonstones frequencies increase from the power of the Lunar Eclipse.
Open your eyes, and start going from room to room in your home, constantly smudging the smoke of the sage with your feather. Once you have finished, go back to your pillar, sit down and calm yourself down.
Every time you want to invite gentle healing and cleansing energy, light your pillar.
Every time you think you are in need of more serious cleansing, use your sage.
And most importantly, bring your moonstone wherever you go to stir you in the right direction!
2. Find Your Purpose
There is nothing worse in life as feeling like you are lost in time in space. You know that you are amazing and capable to do magnificent, great things in your life but somehow, there are so many that you are never sure on what to focus on. Finding that little spark of purpose inside of you is all life is about. Here is how to use the power of the Lunar Eclipse to find your purpose:
Light your Solar Plexus Chakra Candle. Let the energizing and powerful intentions combined with a special mix of essential oils envelop you.
Breathe in and breathe out. Put the Rainbow Moonstone Pendulum inside of your palm and the Amethyst Pendant in the other. Hold them tightly. Look into the candle, and focus on the flame. Feel the gentle, yet soothing aromatherapy energizes you. Breathe in and breathe out.
Now, close your eyes, and feel how the power of the Amethyst and Rainbow Moonstone grows during each minute of the Lunar Eclipse. Feel their energy guiding you to the best possible version of yourself.
Now, open your eyes, and write down 3 Yes/No questions. Set which movement will be for yes and which one for no. Ask each question and place the pendulum in front of you, noting each movement.
Now that you finally have some clues, and powerful energy guiding you in your life, you will find your purpose in life.
Every time you feel lost in life, light your candle.
Every time you have questions, ask your Rainbow Pendulum
And most importantly, wear your Amethyst Pendant to guide you wherever you go!
3. Enjoy Life
Let’s face it, one of the most overlooked aspects of your life is the most important thing - yourself! Just think about it, when was the last time you did something that you really liked? When was the last time you really, profoundly enjoyed life? Use the power of the Lunar Eclipse to transform your life into one that you truly enjoy!
Light your Crown Chakra Candle. Let the divine and powerful intentions combined with a special mix of essential oils envelop you.
Breathe in and breathe out. Put the Rainbow Moonstone inside of your palm and the Green Aventurine Bracelet in the other. Hold them tightly. Look into the candle, and focus on the flame. Feel the energizing, yet soothing aromatherapy balances you. Breathe in and breathe out.
Now, close your eyes, and feel how the playful vibes of the Green Aventurine and Rainbow Moonstone grow during each minute of the Lunar Eclipse. Feel their energy guiding you towards a more joyful life filled with bliss. Feel the positivity overwhelm you.
Feel how you are freeing yourself from worries, anxiety and toxic thoughts. Welcome the positive and playful energy inside you. Let it shake you to your core. Let it transform you.
Now open your eyes, and put your Green Aventurine Bracelet on your hand.
Every time you feel unhappy, light your candle.
Every time you feel like it has been a bad time for you, meditate with your Rainbow Moonstone.
And most importantly, wear your Green Aventurine Bracelet to keep the positive, vibrant energy always within you.
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