Book of the Week - Lands of Lost Borders: A Journey on the Silk Road by Kate Harris
•Posted on December 28 2018

Hello everyone!
The year is almost at its end and if you are anything like us, you might want to finish it with a good book. Snuggle in your warm blankets this weekend, because we have an amazing book recommendation just for you guys - Lands of Lost Borders: A Journey on the Silk Road by Kate Harris. We think it is an excellent book to round up another year! Perfect for making you re-think what you really want in life.
Kate always wanted to be an explorer, but her only issue is that all her heroes already discovered everything there is on Earth. They found the highest peaks, the strangest continents, and rivers and named them all. So, since there is nothing left for her to discover here she decides that she can explore elsewhere – or more specifically Mars. She set her standards high and started to work towards her dreams – enrolling in college to become a scientist. However, the wilderness within her and her strong desire to explore weren’t that easily satisfied. The experiments and tedious scientific work only left her longing for more, more than ever before. Sounds familiar?
We’ve all been there, thinking we want something and when we start working towards our goals we realize it’s not for us. Some push through and some take a break to learn what they truly want. But, Kate always knew what she wanted – to explore. She picks up her friend and they go together on an adventure – to conquer the Silk Road!
We won’t give away anything else, you have to read the book! It’s not what you think – it’s much more! Sometimes, when we set our resolutions we think we know what we want, but often we don’t know ourselves enough to know what we want. So, round up this year with a great book in your hand, and think about what you really want to do before setting up your resolutions and goals for the year!
Ride far enough and the road becomes strange and unknown to you. Ride a little farther and you become strange and unknown to yourself, not to mention your travelling companion.
Kate Harris
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