How To Set Magical Goals?
•Posted on April 26 2019

If you have been running around like crazy, with a thousand errands, obligations and tasks that you need to get done, we know that feeling very well, because we were once there where you are at this very moment. We kept piling things up, one after another until the to-do list went on for miles and miles.
And every day, we started off stressed out, running from errand to errand, feeling like our chest would burst, and our minds would explode. Even though the exhaustion was immense, and the stress and anxiety kept piling up, we still pushed onwards until one day, we stopped to take a look around, and realized, we put so much effort, chasing the impossible, breaking ourselves in the process, and we had almost nothing to show for it.
The progress we have made, was almost non-existent even after we tore ourselves up trying to push forward. If you are there - don’t despair! Because you can turn things around and achieve more than you ever thought you could - you just need to plan better!
Don’t get us wrong, we think learning and pushing forward is amazing! However, if you don’t set the right goals, if you keep doing things without thinking things through, you will never have progress. This month we have dedicated ourselves with our members to push forward, further than we have ever been in our lives. We have split our monthly growth plan into four steps, one for each week. By making progress slowly but surely, we have been creating our own damn magic almost every month! Here is what we did this month with our members:
Step 1 - Magical Goal Setting and Planning
As we mentioned, effort without planning is useless. Much like planning for the wrong goal is. In the very first step, we will start focusing on setting the right goals, and planning them out so you can get things done efficiently. From our many failures, we have learned a lot and we are going to let you in on a secret – it’s not about how many goals you set, as long as they are reasonable. Read more…
Step 2 - The Plans within Plans
Even though things don’t always go according to plan, you still need one to know in which direction you are heading. Mapping your plans out, by creating smart yet doable challenges, developing checkpoints and evaluating where you are all very important things that we will discuss and help you set up. Sometimes even the simplest goals can have much more steps than you originally thought. The good thing about mapping out plans is getting a realistic perspective. And the most important part of this step - celebrating your achievements, no matter how small! Read more…
Step 3 - Turning Things Around When It’s Not Working Out
Even the best thought out plans have flaws. Maybe you set too high goals for a very short period of time? Or maybe you didn’t consider some possible steps to your plan? Whichever it is, we will get to the bottom of it, and turn things around - easily! Read more…
Step 4 - Unlocking the Solar Plexus
In step four we will tap into the energy center of personal empowerment, will and courage within your body - The Solar Plexus Chakra. By awakening and balancing your solar plexus, you will achieve your goals more easily and push forward in life, no matter what! We have a very special ritual prepared, so make sure you tune in this month to our Monthly Growth Plan! Read More…
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