How to Feng Shui your Kitchen?
•Posted on April 13 2018

Hello everyone and welcome to our awesome Feng Shui guides that will help you bring some balance to your home!
Last time we spoke about the bedroom, but today we are moving to the room that is considered as very important to have a good and positive feng shui energy in it – your kitchen. Think about it, this the place where you cook, keep and eat your food, the very nutrients that keep you alive and well. Besides that, it is well known that good feng shui energy in your kitchen attracts prosperity and health. So, here is how to feng shui it up in your kitchen:
Colors - By using earthy tones you will welcome positive feng shui energy. Furthermore, if you keep the floor dark and the ceiling light, then grounding and balancing energy will take place in your home.
Positioning – The fridge, the stove and the sink should always be placed to form a triangle. Remember the most important thing is that they shouldn’t face each other under any circumstances. Also, the stove should never be facing the back of your kitchen door. Cooking against a door is considered as a sign of negative energy flow that will transfer to the food.
Tidy up – Your counters should never be overflowing with a lot of objects in sight. Keep things simple and let only the most necessary things be in sight and reach.
Mirror, mirror on the wall – Mirrors in the kitchen are considered as a good sign. Mirrors reflect the negative energy and don’t let it get to your home and kitchen. So, keep those around.
Extra Tip: Never keep to-do lists on the fridge so you can avoid the stress of piling up. Instead, put up pictures of your family and happy memories on the fridge.
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