Dream – Word of the Week
•Posted on May 14 2018
When it comes to things that unite us all as human beings, dreaming is one of them. Everyone dreams. But what exactly is a dream? Just a series of images and bizarre stories or do they mean much more than what you think?
When it comes to dreaming, no one knows exactly why we do it. There are five stages of sleep, and in the last three phases dreams occur. In the last phase, the dreams are most vivid. Everyone dreams several dreams each night. And 95% of these dreams are forgotten once you get out of bed. Strange, isn’t it? There is an explanation for all of this of course.
When it comes to dreaming, no one knows exactly why we do it. There are five stages of sleep, and in the last three phases dreams occur. In the last phase, the dreams are most vivid. Everyone dreams several dreams each night. And 95% of these dreams are forgotten once you get out of bed. Strange, isn’t it? There is an explanation for all of this of course. While dreaming, you are trying to get things in order in your mind. As it rests, things get sorted out in their own way. And as you are sorting out, you keep stumbling deep into the subconscious – where your higher-self resides. And then your higher-self wants to help you in life. But since it is repressed most of the time, it gives you some visual hunches and hints in order to spark up the language it speaks – intuition. By repeating the same patterns over and over, it hopes that you will get the picture. But, remember what we told you? Around 95% of dreams are forgotten once you get out of bed. Which is why keeping a dream journal is a nice habit to have so you can get in touch with your higher self.
Check out our Awesome Intuition Building Exercise on how to build up your Intuition!