Book of the week - Dowsing for Beginners by Richard Webster
•Posted on September 25 2019

Hello, fellow book lovers!!!
How are your reading adventures going? Did you snuggle up in your blanket and doubled your reading time already? Since the chilly days are already coming our way, we love to snuggle in our blankets and read up on new books and older goodies. Since we have been working on intuition building tools, we decided to pick up one of our favorite books on dowsing and re-read it. And it was so amazing, we couldn’t resist to share it with you guys! We are talking about Dowsing for Beginners: How to Find Water, Wealth & Lost Objects by Richard Webster.
Why should I read Dowsing for Beginners: How to Find Water, Wealth & Lost Objects by Richard Webster?
We have a one really good reason – this book is a jewel for anyone that is trying to learn all about dowsing, but doesn’t know where to start. And even for folks that know a little more about dowsing, there are also a lot of cool stories of the history of dowsing, famous dowsers, and dowsing stories. From all the possible tools to dowse, dowsing without tools to locating lost objects, many interesting subjects are discussed in this book, that answer a lot of questions that newbie dowsers, or even more experienced ones might have.
Dowsing can be described as divining for something that is desired. Most people consider dowsing to be a search for water, and this is how the whole field began thousands of years ago. However, you can divine for anything you want…
Richard Webster, Dowsing for Beginners: How to Find Water, Wealth & Lost Objects
It’s an amazing book to start your journey towards intuition building, and we recommend that you give it a shot.
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