Astro Alert - We Are Entering Virgo Season!
•Posted on August 31 2020

Virgo season is on- a time to learn, to focus on our work and routines, and to connect to the magic of the natural world.
We have a Grand Earth Trine during the last week of August as Mercury trines both Uranus and Jupiter, supporting us to root our thoughts into reality and to find expansive, innovative ways of following our goals. This is a great time to check items off our to-do list in a way that feels both organized and permissive and to keep our minds, our bodies, and our environments tidy for optimum performance. Dreamy Venus in Cancer is active as well: she forms an opposition with Jupiter on the 25th and a trine with Neptune on the 27th, warning us against giving or expecting too much in our relationships while also supporting us with soft, hazy vibes that are great for romance and fantasy.
The same Venus can bring tension in relationships around old wounds or power games on the 30th, so it’s good to merge fantasy (something that we’re prone to especially as Mercury opposes boundless Neptune) with a little awareness about how our inner child, as well as our need for control, show up in our closest connections.
Sun in Virgo: August 22- September 22
Virgo season is a time of harvest and dissemination. As summer comes to an end, the happy-go-lucky Leo vibe changes into a more reserved, down-to-earth type of energy that prompts us to focus on the practical side of life. Until September 22, we’ll be organizing our space, our work, our routines, and our health habits, keeping things efficient and clean in the search of a perfection best found in simplicity.
Alongside simplicity, devotion is another keyword for this industrious, analytical sign. Whatever we undertake during the Virgo season is best approached with caution, good planning, realism, and intrinsic motivation- doing something, not for the possible rewards, but because the process in itself is an achievement if we’re dedicated to our work.
This work can take different shapes, from daily responsibilities to personal goals and projects. If you’ve been looking for the right time to make a change in your diet or exercise routine, the start of September will support you with the perfect type of energy. Around September 9, stay open to work opportunities that can promote professional and material growth, while keeping your feet on the ground and rooting your excitement with a bit of good planning. The week from September 13 to September 19 supports us with a steady type of energy that we can use for organizing the practical side of our lives, as well as for learning and research.
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