Astro Alert: Uranus Retrograde In Taurus

Written by Shereen Campbell


Posted on August 18 2021

Between the 18th and the 22nd, we’ll feel the effects of Uranus stationing towards retrograde: we might feel more restless, but also more inspired than usual. These are days when life might surprise us, especially around the 20th, when we could receive some unexpected news!

It’s also a time when we’re touchier when it comes to our personal space, so we’re better off doing things alone or with people who truly get us. Until January 2022, Uranus retrograde will create the necessary space for us to think about the changes we want to make to live a more authentic life. 

Uranus Retrograde In Taurus:
August 20, 2021- January 18, 2022

Uranus Retrograde

Uranus in earthy Taurus is an eight-year-long transit that shakes up our material security and our values, especially the way we look at money and natural resources.

As cryptocurrency, alternative power sources, and innovative ways of making money and managing work (see the recent 4-day work week trials in Iceland) are on the rise during this transit, the months in which Uranus goes retrogrades are an opportunity for us to reflect and rethink the practical changes that we want to make in our lives.

When Uranus, the planet of revolution and innovation, takes a backspin through the skies, our desire for novelty and change is turned inward and we’re supported to make the necessary inner shifts before taking action.

Uranus retrograde in Taurus, for example, could mean looking at deeply rooted beliefs about money and abundance or analyzing the market before taking a risk in business. This holds true especially since Uranus is still squaring taskmaster Saturn, prompting us to take a slow, methodic approach to any change that we want to bring about.

Especially between August 18 and 22, when Uranus stations towards retrograde, we could go through unexpected events or wake-up calls in the area of finances, resources, and values as the Universe seeks to pull us out of our comfort zones.

Security and stability are being redefined and change seems to be the only constant.  What shifts are you being called to embrace at this time? For those of us with strong Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, or Aquarius energy, this year can be particularly challenging and rewarding.

Tune In To Our Blog To Learn More About Uranus Retrograde!



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