Astro Alert: The Sun Enters Capricorn!
•Posted on December 20 2021

Starting from the 21st, the Sun enters Capricorn as well, opening up one of the darkest seasons of the year: a time to turn within, to mobilize our resources, and to push forward with our objectives even when there are obstacles ahead. Grit, ambition, and responsibility are some of our best allies during the next month.
The Sun Enters Capricorn:
December 21 – January 19
The Winter Solstice is a moment of rest and introspection. Winter darkness is our safe space from the cold, while holiday lights serve as a reminder that the energy of life and love is still present, even if nature’s usual lust for life now appears to be dormant. This is the background that explains Capricorn energy the best: a serious, rational, and pragmatic approach to life, perfect to face the longest night of the year.
In the past, wintertime was a harsh reality without the comforts of electricity, proper heating, or fresh food, but even if circumstances have changed, the energetic blueprint of this sign hasn’t. A cardinal Earth sign, Capricorn is all about getting things done and overcoming obstacles on the path to success. Capricorns are well aware that life isn’t always easy according to 2021 predictions, but they’re prepared to build solid structures in their lives to shelter themselves and their loved ones from the storm.
During the next month, we’re supported to connect to the Capricorn within by focusing on long-term planning (practical, measurable, and realistic New Year’s resolutions will do the trick), keeping our feet on the ground, and investing in the things and the relationships that we value the most. Those of us with strong Aries, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn placements might feel particularly inspired to take action and to find solutions during this period, but all of us will seek depth, commitment, and tangible results in the life area ruled by Capricorn in the birth chart.
As for aspects, an electric Sun - Uranus trine makes sure that we’re starting the year in an unconventional way on January 1. We might feel more inspired to make positive changes in our lives at this time. In mid-January, the Sun’s conjunction with transformative Pluto supports laser-sharp focus, trauma awareness, and an intense mobilization of our inner resources.
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