Astro Alert: Sun Will Be Entering Leo Soon!
•Posted on July 19 2021

After a crazy week, Venus entering detail-oriented Virgo on the 21st can bring our feet back on the ground, marking the beginning of a month when kind words and acts of service will be the best way to show our love.
The 22nd can bring a tendency to over give or to expect too much from others; as the Sun enters feisty Leo on this same day, we’re supported to be proud of ourselves for the progress we’ve made and to trust our hearts, choosing to whom we give the best of us.
This Leo season might not be the easiest one, but it will bring wonderful opportunities to play, love, and let our inner light shine through. On the 23rd, an electric Aquarius Full Moon brings deep feelings to the surface, supporting us to reflect on our unique gifts and on the way that we can fit in with the rest of the world while still being ourselves.
This Moon can highlight what we’ve achieved together with our soul tribe or on our own, following an impulse toward change and progress, but it can also bring up connections, attitudes, and emotions that need to be transformed to allow for more freedom and authenticity in our lives.
Sun in Leo: July 22-August 22
Every year, Leo season brings warmth, abundance, and a taste of joy: sunny days, afternoons on the beach, fun times when we can let our hair down and just enjoy being alive. This summery sign is strong, creative, and colorful, encouraging us to be the best version of ourselves and to trust that we can and we deserve to live out our desires. “I am”: it’s a simple mantra, but Leo makes it powerful through his confidence.
Tense aspects from Saturn and Uranus might tamper down some of this Leo season’s joyful vibe, but we’re still being supported to practice self-love and self-confidence throughout the month.
We’re dealing with a continuation of the events that came up during the first part of July: limitations or delays to our goals, inner and outer challenges, restlessness, or a feeling that our will is ineffective. Remember: it’s just a phase that tests our commitment to our goals and teaches us about the value of letting go and accepting change where change is due.
Self-confidence might come in waves this month; many of us could alternate between self-doubt and self-assuredness. As always, finding a middle point is important. It’s time to take out our journals, to work with positive affirmations, and to remember that our worth is non-negotiable.
Even when the going gets tough, we’ve got what it takes to move forward, whether that means (temporarily) sucking it up to make things work… or leaving a difficult situation behind. At this time, life might teach us the difference between what we can and what we can’t control. Dissatisfaction with certain life circumstances will push us to find a solution that is both ingenious and practical. How can you connect to your Leo side and creatively face upcoming challenges?
**Want to learn more about how this Full Moon will affect you personally? Check out our supercharged Magical Guides by Sign below!
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