Astro Alert: New Moon In Aquarius
•Posted on February 01 2022

On the 1st, the Aquarius New Moon opens up new doors for our friendships, projects, and hopes for the future, energizing us with the courage to be fully ourselves. This is a time to set intentions of authenticity, autonomy, and progress; instead of being “too much”, we can look at ourselves as being bigger than the contexts we’ve left behind.
This Moon is marked by the push and pull of the old and the new, supporting us to break the mold while also staying true to the rules and the structures that serve our progress.
New Moon in Aquarius:
February 1
The Sun’s meeting with the Moon in Aquarius opens up new windows of opportunity, supporting us to make connections with those around us and with the future we desire, whether it’s in the form of a small action done differently or a major shift that can lead us to a more autonomous, authentic life. This social sign brings a progressive, humanitarian focus, prompting us to challenge the status quo and to support a different kind of ideal. What crazy new beginning are you embarking on at this time?
Some of us could meet interesting people or join new causes, while others might move forward with tech or science-related projects. Innovation is the name of the game; look for Aquarius in your birth chart to see in what life area you might be outgrowing old rules and experimenting with a new approach at the beginning of February.
If you’ve got strong Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, or Aquarius in the birth chart, this New Moon will shake your world the most, but all of us can use the current energy to set intentions of progress, connection, and authenticity.
The Moon’s square with rebellious Uranus amps up our desire to break free from limiting rules and structures. We might notice themes around social justice and equality at this time, while on an individual level we could have less patience with those who try to restrict our freedom.
The bright side: it can be a great moment to leave behind a role, a habit, or a context that is blocking our progress. The challenges: staying aware enough to make conscious changes instead of trying to do it all at once…and focusing on our learning experience instead of judging and labeling others.
The New Moon is strongly influenced by Saturn, the most serious and traditional planet of the zodiac. In contrast with groundbreaking Uranus, he reminds us to keep our feet on the ground when we envision our future. What is starting now in our lives requires a balance between safety and risk, tradition and innovation, and has great long-term potential if we lay the necessary groundwork. With Mercury retrograde still in the mix, now is the time to rethink our strategies and take things step by step.
The tension between Saturn and Uranus has marked most of 2021, prompting us to find safety (Saturn) in the middle of change (Uranus) and to keep our freedom (Uranus) in restrictive times (Saturn). The Aquarius New Moon marks a new phase of this process, supporting us to make the most of these crazy times by following our most authentic selves.
New Moon Journal Prompts:
- Where am I heading toward more authenticity, autonomy, and connection in my life?
- How can I build my future self today? How does this future version of me think, feel, and act?
- What are the rules, habits, and structures that help me stay anchored in the middle of change?
Tune In To Our Blog To Learn More About The 2022 New Moon In Aquarius!
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