Astro Alert! Mercury Retrograde is coming!
•Posted on August 24 2016

It’s almost that time again. Three to four times a year, good old Mercury appears to slows down and then start backtracking. Sound anything like your Gemini friend right before they lose an argument? :) Remember it only appears this way because of our vantage point on earth, no planet ever goes backwards around the sun. It has more to due with the speed of earth around the sun compared to other observable planets.
Anyhow, on August 30th, Mercury will begin his three week long retreat, in the sign of Virgo. This should be an especially fun retrograde time period, as Mercury will be going backwards in not only a sign it rules, but in a place that is all about the details. Virgo is known for meticulousness, attention to the nooks/crannies and practicality; it also governs all things self improvement, health and grounding. Mercury rules technology, transportation, writing and communication. Can you see the confusion coming? Let me repeat, Mercury will appear to go the direction opposite of it’s normal path. Is it really going backwards? Nope. But it sure looks like it. This dichotomy is the perfect visual of how the next three weeks of your life might go. Life will not be what it appears to be. You might encounter miscommunication about details that might lead you to places that you did not expect. Get ready to accidentally hit send too soon, mail packages to the wrong addresses, have flight delays, subway route changes and loosing cell phone coverage at the most inopportune time. On a happy note, now that you know that Mercury is coming for you, you will remember to triple check all emails, not spaze out from seemingly shady texts and speak as calmly as possible as often as possible.
Our little friend will end his nap on September 22nd. And guess what? You have a few days to prepare. I highly suggest you spend the next few hours, getting s**t done, now. You’ll be spending so much time trying to decipher, untangle and clean up messes for the next three weeks, I wouldn’t anticipate getting too much new done.
On the spiritual tip, don’t hate on Mercury. Yes, I just made him out to be a giant jerkface, but it was more for comical relief. Yes, there could be many frustrations, however, just as Mercury appears to be going backwards, he actually isn’t. It is the same for life. We might appear to take a couple steps backwards during the next few weeks, but in reality we are being giving a divine opportunity to re-evaluate and re-position ourselves for a brighter future. Please take any backtracking frustrations you have and remind yourself, you are not being setback, no matter how it appears. You have been gifted with the ability to update the past so that when that sucker goes direct you can go back to slaying.
Be sure to keep us updated on how Mercury is treating you!
Loads of Light & Love,
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