Astro Alert: Full Moon In Leo 2022

Written by Sorana Cancel


Posted on February 15 2022

On the 16th, a bright Leo Full Moon greets us with the results of our creative and self-expressive endeavors, shining the light on who we are and what we can let go of to step into our full confidence. Listening to our heart’s guidance is essential at this time, especially as the Aquarius Sun supports us to find our place in the community and to trust that we belong as we are.

On this same day, Venus conjuncts Mars in Capricorn, marking a great time for socializing and romance, all in the serious, commitment-oriented style of this steady Earth sign.

Full Moon in Leo:
February 16

Full Moon in Leo 2022

Leo Moons are creative, delightful, and contagiously playful; if you pay attention to your moods and your actions when the Moon transits this fiery sign every month, you’ll notice that those days bring a sunny disposition, with more fun and games than usual. Mid-February’s Leo Full Moon amplifies this energy, marking a great time for celebration and creative enjoyment.

In the radiant sign of Leo, the Full Moon could bring emotional intensity around our need to be seen, appreciated, and loved. Unhealed ego wounds could come to the surface, making some of us more sensitive to criticism or perceived rejection, while the need to showcase our uniqueness and appreciate our talents can also become more obvious. 

What is coming to fruition in your love life, your creative projects, your relationship with children, or your relationship with yourself at this time? The Full Moon illuminates the way we’ve been expressing our love and creativity in the past six months, bringing accomplishments and insights. A creative project or a romantic connection could be in bloom, encouraging us to appreciate the part we’ve played and to celebrate the joy of creating and giving. Other projects or relationships could reach turning points that ask us to release fears around exposure, vulnerability, judgment, or failure.

The Moon’s opposition with the detached, progressive Aquarius Sun asks us to integrate our child-like self, the part of us that seeks spontaneous expression and unconditional acceptance, with our inner adult, who is fully aware of the social expectations that define our role on the world’s stage. The push and pull between temporary pleasure and long-term goals could prompt us to find a middle way, which often takes the form of doing what we love (Leo) as a contribution to the world and to the future we desire (Aquarius). 

This Full Moon is special because it coincides with an exact conjunction between Venus, the planet of love and beauty, and Mars, the planet of passion and initiative, in the sign of Capricorn. These are the two romantic and sexual planets that define our love life, while Leo is the sign of affection and pleasure. Can you notice a theme around this Full Moon? Our desires will be amplified and our need to relate and to connect with others will be more intense than usual. Confidence (Leo) and power (Capricorn) have never been more attractive!

In the shadow side of this aspect, some people could be moved by blind passion and self-righteous expression of their desires. Relationships that have been tense until now can reach a breaking point. The bright side? Mid-February can bring increased satisfaction in authentic relationships, a renewed sense of passion, and conflict resolution. Venus and Mars in Capricorn show that commitment and respect are essential at this time; we’re looking for solid connections for our present and our future.

The Sabian Symbol for this Full Moon is “Many little birds on the limb of a big tree”: an image of joy and potentiality. Those of us with strong Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, or Aquarius in the birth chart can feel the impact of this joyful and emotionally intense Full Moon the most, but all of us can benefit from insights, experience big feelings, and notice results in the life area ruled by Leo in the birth chart.

Full Moon Journal Prompts:

  • How have I been expressing my creative, joyful self in the past months? 
  • What fears can I let go of to gain more confidence?
  • What are my unique gifts to the world and how can I celebrate them at this time?

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