Astro Alert: First Mercury Retrograde In 2022
•Posted on January 12 2022

Starting from the 14th, Mercury retrogrades in Aquarius, where he will follow his usual repertoire of messing up with our conversations, our e-mails, our tech equipment, and our schedules until February 3.
Make sure you back up your data, because this retro season will target technology and communications most of all. The bright side? These weeks are great for reconnecting with friends, revisiting info we’ve learned in the past, organizing files and folders, and rethinking our strategy for innovative or community-related projects.
Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius and Capricorn:
January 14 – February 3
We’re in for a slow start this New Year with trickster Mercury going retrograde on the 14th. The retrograde period covers two signs - Aquarius and Capricorn -, so most of the zodiac will be influenced by this usual time of confusion, mix-ups, and miscommunication. Here are some tips for dealing with the following weeks:
- Check your tech equipment and back up your data. Especially between January 14 and 25, Mercury retrogrades in Aquarius, the sign that rules technology and communications. If you need to buy a new gadget, it’s best to do your research for now and to go for it either before or after the retrograde period.
- Don’t dismiss any original ideas and insights that you might come up with. Write them down and think of ways to make them happen. Mercury retrograde is not the best time for decision-making or applying knowledge, but it’s great for thinking outside the box.
- Replan, redo, and rethink your decisions, especially in areas linked to community and innovation (friendships, ideals, hopes for the future, tech, science, or astrology) and to career and status (work, business, long-term goals). These are life areas where progress will be slower during the retrograde – the perfect opportunity to improve your strategy and to plan for the future.
Some of us might reconnect to old friends or hear from a past employer at this time, while others could brainstorm ways of improving discipline and performance. This is a time for reflection, careful planning, essential communication, and – as usual –, developing patience and tolerance when things don’t always go according to plan.
Especially in the middle and toward the end of January, we might feel an increasing sense of pressure, coupled with the urgent need to make a change. Tread the water carefully, make sure you choose reflection or action above reaction… and, most importantly, don’t give up hope. On February 11, expect deep conversations and intense focus at work.
Around this day, we’ll also need to reconsider our thought patterns, our ways of communicating, or – on a more practical level – a career decision or a business plan. After February 3, when Mercury goes direct, we’ll gain clarity and we’ll move forward with more ease.
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