5 Must Read And Apply Self-Care Books
•Posted on January 08 2020

Hello gorgeous!
Are you ready to start creating your own damn magic in the New Year? Because we have just the perfect reading list to set you up on the path towards magic. To do so, you have to first take better care of yourself, which is why we are giving you the 5 must read and apply self-care books. If you have been taking yourself for granted up until now, this is the time to make the most important change in your life and live for yourself! Let’s create magic:
1. The Witch's Book of Self-Care: Magical Ways to Pamper, Soothe, and Care for Your Body and Spirit by Arin Murphy-Hiscock
If you are looking for a book that will help you enhance self-care on a daily basis through spirituality and rituals then The Witch’s Book of Self-Care is the perfect place to start. If you love spells, crystal work, and creating your own damn magic then definitely pick it up.
We loved this book because there were a lot of meditations, recipes for self-care baths, mental health exercises, basics of mindfulness and even some simple basic recipes to get you started onto a path for better nutrition. All in all, there were a lot of helpful tips, practices, and rituals that can help you to give yourself the self-care that you deserve.
I release this guilt to the universe. I invite peace and serenity to take its place. Open my heart to the positive energy of this lesson And support me as I learn to care for myself freely. Thank you for your many blessings.
Arin Murphy-Hiscock, The Witch's Book of Self-Care: Magical Ways to Pamper, Soothe, and Care for Your Body and Spirit
2. The Self Care Prescription: Powerful Solutions to Manage Stress, Reduce Anxiety & Increase Wellbeing by Robyn L. Gobin
If you are looking for an easy, understandable and relatable book for self-care then definitely pick this one up! We loved this one because it’s sooooooooooo relatable to anyone who reads it. The author speaks about the true meaning of self-care, and it’s not focused just on the physical needs you might have but also on mental self-care. We enjoyed reading it and all in all it left us with a good impression and a lot of changed negative thought patterns. We loved it!
I want to make it clear from the beginning that self-care is not just about feeling good. Sure, much of what you do will bring you pleasure, but this will not always be the case. Simply put, self-care is not always fun or relaxing, and you won’t always “feel like” doing it. Sometimes self-care involves forgiving yourself for past mistakes, setting boundaries in relationships, making that medical or dental appointment you’ve been putting off, saying no to a fun night out because you’re sleep-deprived, or choosing to walk away from a job or a relationship you have outgrown. Self-care is about making yourself a priority, whatever your life circumstances. Self-care is, fundamentally, about bringing balance back to a life that has grown imbalanced from too many commitments or responsibilities.
Robyn L. Gobin, The Self Care Prescription: Powerful Solutions to Manage Stress, Reduce Anxiety & Increase Wellbeing
3. The Spirit Almanac: A Modern Guide to Ancient Self-Care by Emma Loewe, Lindsay Kellner
If you are truly looking to walk the path towards yourself (for which self-care is an essential part) then the Spirit Almanac is the right book to get you started. The calming tone of the Spirit Almanac will instantly make you feel calmer and soothed. Through rituals, practical exercises, and self-care this book is one of the best we have encountered on our path towards creating our own damn magic.
Living with more gratitude is a proven way to be happier and healthier. By carving out time to remember a few of the things you are grateful for – be it on your morning commute or during your nightly meditation – you can actually change the way your brain processes the world. Maintaining a sense of gratitude (especially during difficult times when it doesn’t feel as if there’s a ton to be grateful for) is one of the cheapest, easiest ways to change your mood! We’ll ask you to do so often.
Emma Loewe, Lindsay Kellner, The Spirit Almanac: A Modern Guide to Ancient Self-Care
4. The Art of Extreme Self-Care: 12 Practical and Inspiring Ways to Love Yourself More by Cheryl Richardson
If you are a people pleaser, that always puts everyone and everything else before yourself, then we urge you to read this book. The author – Cheryl Richardson herself was one of these people – the eternal people pleaser, and she went through a truly transformative change by practicing extreme self-care. And although most methods will probably feel awkward, not natural, we promise you it’s okay to feel like that. This book is a complete life changer and we definitely recommend to pick it up!
When I look back now, I can see that I was challenging a legacy of self-sacrifice and over giving passed down to me by generations of women in my family – the same legacy that confounds so many women even now. Too many of us are continuing to be a good girl, and it’s a tough habit to break. I still catch myself doing this when I feel stressed and under pressure. Suddenly I’m bending over backward to make it easier for an employee to do his or her job (I call this “hiring people to work for”). Or I’m scheduling too many activities into a day to accommodate the needs of everyone else (I call this “insanity”). For those of us who do such things – and this includes men as well as women – it’s often an automatic response, as if a default button gets pushed and we reflexively revert to these behaviors.
Cheryl Richardson, The Art of Extreme Self-Care: 12 Practical and Inspiring Ways to Love Yourself More
5. The Smart Girl's Guide to Self-Care by Shahida Arabi
Although this book is great for anyone looking to practice self-care, this book is especially helpful to young women who have adapted a thought pattern that their needs are unimportant. It’s an amazing book that can also help people who are in an unhealthy relationship and especially to those who have been taking themselves completely for granted.
We might all have different definitions of what self-care entails: everything from allowing yourself a mid-afternoon nap to getting a massage at a luxurious spa. Maybe self-care for you consists of wrapping yourself in a warm blanket, a good book and a cup of tea every night. Or perhaps it looks more like going to a weekly yoga class or allowing yourself to cry, grieve and process all the emotions of a long, hard day. Whatever image comes up for you when it comes to the definition of self-care, I hope we can agree on one thing. Tending to the self means not relying on the outside world to make you happy, but using its resources as instruments to aid and heal you.
Shahida Arabi, The Smart Girl's Guide to Self-Care
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