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Scented Candles

Magical Scented Candles to Manifest Your Dreams

Check out our favorite magically scented candles to start making your own magic now.

What Are the Benefits of Scented Candles?

Scented manifestation candles can be beneficial in several ways, including aiding in relaxation and meditation, setting a mood or ambiance, enhancing visualization and manifestation practices and providing a pleasant aroma to a room.

When used in Candle Magic (also known as candle magick or candle spells) using scented only boosts your connection to your visualization and manifestation power.

Scents, especially when associated with a specific intention, trigger your unconscious mind to become more aware of your goals, the actions neccesary to take to achieve those goals, synchronicities and opportunities for you to get closer to your intention. Just like all Candle Magic by focusing your energy and intention on a candle flame, one can manifest change and bring about desired outcomes.

What Scents Are Best For My Intention?

Here are our favorite scents and their associated intentions in manifestation:
Lavender: Relaxation, calm, peace
Peppermint: Focus, clarity, energy
Rose: Love, compassion, self-care
Sandalwood: Grounding, stability, balance
Frankincense: Spirituality, protection, purification
Orange: Happiness, joy, abundance
Jasmine: Romance, sensuality, attraction
Cedarwood: Confidence, courage, stability
Ylang Ylang: Sensuality, confidence, inner peace
Patchouli: Money, prosperity, abundance.

Here are favorite scents and their intentions ofr manifestation:

Abundance: cinnamon, pine, basil
Love: rose, jasmine, vanilla
Success: peppermint, lemon, ginger
Relaxation: lavender, chamomile, ylang-ylang
Healing: eucalyptus, frankincense, myrrh
Protection: sandalwood, sage, frankincense

How Can You Manifest Changes In Your Life With a Candle?

If you're ready to start making your own magic by using a magic candle here is a basic ritual you can use:

1. Choose a candle that corresponds with the change you wish to manifest. For example, a rose candle for love, a cinnamon candle for financial prosperity or a Sage candle for spiritual growth.

2. Cleanse and dedicate your candle by anointing it with essential oils or herbs that correspond with your intention.

3. Light the candle and meditate on your intention, visualize yourself already having achieved your goal.

4. Repeat your affirmation or intention silently or aloud.

Finally, let the candle burn for at least 20 minutes or until it has burned out completely.

It is important to note that Candle magic is one of many form of manifestation and it's effectiveness is not scientifically proven, ultimately it's up to personal belief and experience.

It's important to use candles with caution, never leaving them unattended and in a safe place.

Our Favorite Scented Magic Candles

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Satya Nag Champa Scented Cleansing Candle
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