What Should You Do During Saturn Retrograde?
•Posted on May 14 2020

Dear readers, are you ready for the 2020 retrograde season? With four planets appearing to move backward in the skies and a global pandemic to recover from, the following months will challenge us to fully tap into our strengths and resources. We’ve prepared a list of things that can help you make the most out of the current cosmic energy, according to your Sun Sign and Ascendant. Find out more below!
Aries, with Saturn retrograding in your 11th house of hopes and dreams, the Road Opener 7 day candle will help you overcome obstacles and follow your goals. Venus retrograde, as well as this month’s New Moon in your 3rd house of communication, asks for a Phurba Pendant w/ Double Dorje- Clear Quartz to improve your mental clarity, while the Fifth Chakra Balance Mini: Crystals to Balance your Throat Chakra can be your go-to kit for a stronger voice.
For the next month and a half, strengthen the energy of Mars in Pisces in your 12th house of meditation by using the Hematite Gemstone Elastic Mala Prayer Bracelet. You can also meditate with the Goldstone Puffed Heart- goldstone is the stone of ambition- to manifest your vision as Jupiter retrogrades in your 10th house of career and public image.
Taurus, think about wearing the Dreams Bodysuit in Black while Saturn retrogrades in your 10th house of career and public image- it will help you stay confident as you follow your ambitions.
With Venus retrograde, as well as this month’s New Moon in your 2nd house of money, the Better Business 7 day candle in 7 colors can help you expand your empire. Burn the candle while using the I Am Abundant: Crystals for Abundance and Prosperity: Mini kit to really amp up your money magic!
For the next month and a half, strengthen the energy of Mars in Pisces in your 11th house of innovation and insight with the Orgone Color Resin Pyramid Lapis- Third Eye Chakra. You can also add the Mini Chakra Singing Bowl Purple- Crown to your meditation practice, honoring Jupiter retrograde in your 9th house of spirituality.
Gemini, as Saturn retrogrades in your 9th house of spirituality, you can rely on the Amethyst and Lapis Goddess Gemstone Mala for your daily spiritual practice. With Venus retrograde, as well as this month’s New Moon in your 1st house of the self, the Clarity Crystal Harmonia Soy Gem Candle can help you sharpen your trademark mental skills. Burn the candle while using the I Am Healthy: Crystals to Promote Good Health Mini kit, envisioning yourself in perfect shape!
For the next month and a half, use the energy of Mars in Pisces in your 10th house of ambition by writing down your goals and monitoring your progress with the Leather Journal w/ Stone. At the same time, Jupiter retrograding in your 8th house of the subconscious calls for an extra dose of awareness, something that the Clear Quartz Gemstone Pyramid can support you with.
Cancer, with Saturn retrograding in your 8th house of magic, you’ll need your crystals in their best shape. Use the Selenite Charge Plate to keep their energy strong! The Dream Spirit Fragrance Oil can help you connect to your higher self as Venus retrograde, together with this month’s New Moon, occupies your 12th house of spirituality and dreams. You don’t have to do it all alone; sign up for the Timeline healing workshop to improve your connection with your past, present, and future self together with other soul travelers.
For the next month and a half, use the energy of Mars in Pisces in your 9th house of spirituality and symbols by exploring your intuition with the Amethyst Gemstone Rune Set. Jupiter retrograding in your 7th house of relationships also make cooperation a priority, something that the Moon Pendant- Rose Quartz can help you with! Wear it daily to nurture feelings of love and peace within yourself.
Leo, Saturn retrograde in your 7th house of relationships can put your connections to the test. Carrying a Rhodonite Puffed Heart with you will help clear away emotional wounds, balancing your masculine and feminine side, and promoting love and healing. With Venus retrograde, as well as this month’s New Moon in your 11th house of hopes and dreams, our A Little Inspiration Oil can help you envision your future with greater clarity. Burn the oil while you’re using the I Am Open: Mini Road Opener Kit to clear blockages and pursue your wildest dreams!
For the next month and a half, strengthen the energy of Mars in Pisces in your 8th house of sexuality by burning the Passion Garnet Harmonia Soy Gem Candle. Don’t be afraid to turn up the heat! At the same time, Jupiter retrograde in your 6th house of health asks you to nurture your mind-body connection. Wear the Mixed Amazonite Bracelet to reduce worrying and to balance your nervous system.
Virgo, Saturn retrograde in your 6th house of daily responsibilities might turn up the pressure a little, so use the Calm AF: Anti Anxiety Crystal Calming Kit to tame those worries and to find your zen. With Venus retrograde, as well as this month’s New Moon in your 10th house of career and authority, the Soy Herbal Filled Votive-Power can help you tap into your inner strength, supporting you to achieve your goals. Burn the candle while you’re using the I am productive mini kit to really tap into your motivation.
For the next month and a half, strengthen the energy of Mars in Pisces in your 7th house of relationships by wearing the Rose Quartz 8mm bead bracelet. This crystal helps you find harmony and balance in your connections. At the same time, with Jupiter retrograding in your 5th house of love and fun, you’ll need some support from a powerful crystal. Ruby helps you balance your mind and your heart, making it easier to manifest abundance and bliss, so try meditating with the Ruby Zoisite Gemstone Sphere.
Libra, with Saturn, retrograde in your 5th house of creativity, you’ll need some unwinding, so work with the Orange Calcite Puffed Heart to tap into your inner joy and to overcome creative blocks. Venus retrograde, as well as this month’s New Moon, is in your 9th house of spirituality, asking you to focus on your practice. Use the Awareness Lapis Harmonia Soy Gem Candle and the Om Nitiraj 25gr Incense to connect to a higher perspective.
For the next month and a half, strengthen the energy of Mars in Pisces in your 6th house of health by wearing the Black and White Agate Bracelet. Agate is a stabilizer, helping you balance your mind, your body, and your spirit. At the same time, with Jupiter retrograding in your 4th house of family, the Warm my home: the ultimate house warming and blessing kit mini can help you create a safe, cozy space for you and your loved ones.
Scorpio, with Saturn retrograding in your 4th house of security, use the Lava Gemstone Elastic Mala Prayer Bracelet in your daily practice. Lava is a grounding stone that promotes stability and helps you feel rooted. Venus retrograde, as well as this month’s New Moon, is in your 8th house of subconscious and magic, so try wearing a Black Obsidian Tumbled Stone with you- it will offer you protection and help you heal emotional wounds from the past. You can also tap into your inner magic by using the I Am Woke: Intuition Development Kit to connect to your subtle senses.
For the next month and a half, strengthen the energy of Mars in Pisces in your 5th house of self-expression by using the Orgone Color Resin Pendulum Carnelian- Sacral Chakra to activate your creative power. At the same time, the Problem Solver Tiger Eye Harmonia Soy Gem Candle can help you with mental focus and planning as Jupiter retrogrades in your 3rd house of thinking and communication.
Sagittarius, with Saturn retrograding in your 3rd house of communication, meditate using the Throat Chakra 50 hour candle to balance the way you send and receive information. Venus retrograde, as well as this month’s New Moon is in your 7th house of relationships, so work on your heart chakra by using the Fourth Chakra Balance Mini Kit and wearing the Moon Pendant: Rose Quartz for love and balance.
For the next month and a half, work with the energy of Mars in Pisces in your 4th house of family and home by using the Dragonfly Ceramic Backflow Incense Burner for décor, as well as for cleansing the space you live in. At the same time, the Grounding Hematite Harmonia Soy Gem Candle can help you keep your feet on the ground as Jupiter retrogrades in your 2nd house, the house that represents your senses and your physical body.
Capricorn, with Saturn retrograde in your 2nd house of money, thinks about wearing the Citrine Diamond Shape Stone Pendant to overcome financial obstacles and attract abundance in your life. Venus retrograde, as well as this month’s New Moon, is in your 6th house of health and daily work. If you’re looking for a crystal to work with during the following period, Amazonite is great for alleviating worry and promoting health. Meditate with the Amazonite Gemstone Pyramid to soothe your nervous system. Another idea is to use the Crusellas and Co Rose Water on a daily basis. Rosewater contains antioxidants and it’s a great mood enhancer.
For the next month and a half, strengthen the energy of Mars in Pisces in your 3rd house of thinking by keeping a Tiger Eye 3-4in Gemstone Obelisk near you. This crystal promotes mental clarity and focus. Finally, with Jupiter retrograding in your 1st house of self, these following months can be a time when you re-invent yourself. The I Manifest: The Ultimate Manifestation Altar Kit can help you turn your vision into reality!
Aquarius, with Saturn retrograde in your 1st house of the self, allow your inner wisdom to shine by using the Chrysocolla Bonsai Gemstone Wishing Tree. Set your goals and tap into your innate communication abilities with this powerful crystal. Venus retrograde, as well as this month’s New Moon, is in your 5th house of romance, so burn the Passion Garnet Harmonia Soy Gem Candle while using the I am Sensual Mini Kit to connect to your inner sources of pleasure and love.
For the next month and a half, strengthen the energy of Mars in Pisces in your 2nd house of money by burning the Prosperity Nitiraj 25gr Incense as you work towards your financial goals. On a dreamier note, with Jupiter retrograde in your 12th house of dreams, you’ll love working with the Rainbow Fluorite Puffed Heart. Fluorite is a “dream crystal”, with healing energy that cleanses the aura and promotes deep relaxation.
Pisces, with Saturn retrograde in your 12th house of healing, the Miracle Healing 7-day candle can help you tap into your faith and keep your magic alive.
Venus retrograde, as well as this month’s New Moon, is in your 4th house of home and security, so ground yourself with the Orgone Color Resin Pyramid Jasper- Root Chakra. Jasper is known as the “supreme nurturer” and it promotes stability, as well as strength. Another way to purify your living space is to use the White Sage Clearing Spray. Turn your house into a home for the spirit!
For the next month and a half, strengthen the energy of Mars in Pisces in your 1st house of the self by using the Third Chakra Balance Mini Kit for willpower and independence. At the same time, keep your vision clear by wearing the Lapis Flower of Life Necklace as Jupiter retrogrades in your 11th house of hopes and d Miracle Healing 7-day candle.
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