Be the Master of Your Destiny: Feed Your Soul with Natalie Villaneuva
•Posted on March 23 2016

According to Natalie Villaneuva, her story is hard to put into words. But that is one of the beautiful facts about life, isn't it? We are not defined by one story, one aspect of our lives. We can grow, change, realize, and learn constantly. There is always something to be learned, something that you can do next. Natalie knows this very well - that there is nothing you cannot do. Currently, Natalie is our very own Design Master but pays the bills being the Senior Web Designer As a proud Filipino-American, she takes pride in her work and also the people she surrounds herself with. With ambitions of becoming a web developer, Natalie is doing her best each day to work towards that goal! Her talents and capabilities as a graphic designer turned web designer are ever flourishing. And she with all of that on her place, she still manages to have a personal site nothing less than impressive: What feeds Natalie's soul, besides her ambition? Her Moral Support Team Leader. AKA her small 7.5lbs yorkie named Brutus.
Are there any consistent activities or rituals you do to maintain a sense of inner peace? No, not at the moment but I should. I have started to get back into running and that has seemed to help me (at the moment) maintain a sense of inner peace.
When you are in an emotional rut, what are your go to ways to bring yourself out of that feeling?: I usually reach out to my younger brother. He's always good at bringing me back to my center, and seeing what's in front of me. He helps me figure out how I should tackle what's bringing me into an emotional rut.
Before beginning a creative process, what type of preparation do you normally undertake?: My preparation usually beings by taking a look at the overall picture and what needs to be done. Then I get all the things I need in place for what I am working on, and begin.
Describe a time you underwent a particularly stressful situation and what measures you took to move through that process.: None really come to mind at the moment, but when I am confronted with a stressful situation, I try to look at all the angles. Once I have taken an overall look and decided which is the best direction to move in, it allows me to move through the process smoothly. As well as deal with the bumps in the road with stride.
Do you have any favorite movies that always revive your spirit? Super 8 - this movie makes me believe that even if shitty things happen, it doesn't mean we have to stop living. Good things are around the corner if we let them happen.
What is the most inspiring book you have ever read?: I tend to lean towards Science Fiction, and one of my favorite books is Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card. I think I like it because its more of an underdog story.
Are there any particular exercise routines or practices that you use for grounding? If so, describe how you discovered them.: As much as I hate to run, that is the one thing that makes me feel grounded when I'm done. I feel like I've let all my negative energy out on the run and feel at peace in the end.
Do you meditate? If so, how did you learn and what methods do you use often?: No, but I need to.
What’s your favorite motivational youtube or Netflix video?: The YouTube video about Arthur Boorman, the disabled Gulf War Vet that Diamond Dallas helped me get back into shape. The video makes you want to cry, but in the end you are overwhelmed with happiness because that man was in a hopeless situation but turned his life around (watch below).
Who is the most inspirational person you have ever met, and what did they reveal to you that never left you? My old boss at the County of San Diego. Her name was Sharon Zeiden. She taught me to never let my dreams slip away, and to never let anyone tell me I cannot do anything. At the time I worked for her she was a 73 year old department director that was on her way to retirement. She lived in an upscale part of San Diego, and made good money. She had a goal that once she retired she would give it all up and join the Peace Corp and move to Africa. She did that and more, and I can truly say she is the most inspirational person I have ever met. She showed me that age does not stop you from reaching your dreams, and that I am the master of my destiny.
Don't forget to check out her work right here at My Little Magic Shop and on her site, and find Natalie on Instagram! @pixelrenegade
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Written by Katie Girouard.
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