Mars Direct in Gemini on January 12, 2023

Written by Sorana Cancel


Posted on January 05 2023

Mars Direct in Gemini: January 12, 2023

Since October 30, Mars, the planet of action, initiative, and vitality, has been retrograde in Gemini, challenging us to slow down and reconsider our strategy before moving forward. If the past months have been frustrating for you, you’re not the only one! Also known as “Mercury retrograde on steroids”, Mars retro takes us out of our comfort zones and invites us to tie up loose ends, work on our assertive skills, and make peace with past failures before moving forward. 

The good news? After January 12, we’re ready to integrate this transit’s lessons and return to our usual rhythm with an extra dose of motivation and enthusiasm!

Because Mars is retrograde once every two years, it gives us the opportunity to reassess our priorities and reflect on how (and where) we invest our energy. In curious, communicative Gemini, Mars has challenged us to focus our attention on what we truly value and speak our truth by setting firm, loving boundaries. Here are a few questions to ask yourself as Mars goes direct:

  • What past conflicts or misunderstandings have been calling for my attention in the past months? How did I make peace with my previous reactions and learned to assert myself with more confidence?
  • What have I learned about my willpower, my courage, and my boundaries? Our tip: you can write down your answer as you light up the Confidence Reiki Herbal Pillar Candle, celebrating your growth and setting an intention for your progress to continue beyond this transit.
  • What have I been willing to tolerate from others and what have I clearly defined as a red flag in my relationships?
  • What past projects and initiatives have I reconsidered, revisited, and wrapped up? 
  • Since the end of October, where have I been supported to invest my energy? Where have I encountered obstacles that tested my motivation and where have I reached dead ends that prompted me to reconsider and change course?

If you’re an Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius, Mars direct is giving you the green light in communication and education-related matters. If progress has been slow in these areas or if you’ve worked to solve relationship issues in the past months, it will be easier to move forward with more clarity after January 12.

If you’re a Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn, Mars retrograde has brought a chance to improve your skills, build your self-worth, and reconsider your long-term goals in the past months. Starting from January 12, Mars direct brings progress and an extra dose of courage in the professional and financial area, supporting you to trust your instinct and take up the projects that excite you.

For Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius, Mars direct brings great news on all fronts: these signs can get back to their usual rhythm and move forward with the initiatives that they’ve been planning in the past months. If you’re an air sign, Mars retrograde has challenged you to rethink your priorities since October 30, especially when it comes to your hobbies, your creativity, your love life, your education, your travels, and your self-expression. After January 12, you’re supported to take positive action in these areas.

Finally, if you’re a Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces, Mars retrograde has been a slow, introspective, and possibly frustrating transit: since October 30, you’ve been thinking about the past, healing emotional wounds, and ending old chapters. After January 12, Mars direct brings you the results of your efforts and supports you to move forward with more clarity and confidence.

Around January 12, when Mars stations direct, his energy can be stronger than usual: we can feel increasingly inspired and motivated, as if we’re waking up from a long sleep. Some of us might be ready to resume or start a project, while others could feel more confident and focused on their current goals. 

Until March 15, Mars will be in his retrograde shadow, retracing his steps and revisiting the chapters that we’ve written and rewritten in the past months, especially when it comes to our self-confidence and our assertive skills. The following two months can bring reiterations of past contexts that we can now handle with more clarity and decisiveness.



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