Word Of The Week - Last Quarter Moon

Written by Dragana Ivanovska


Posted on October 29 2019

One week after the Full Moon, light has waned enough for Luna to appear diminished on the sky. The next phase of the cycle comes naturally: after something flourished or came to a conclusion (Full Moon), we wind down, relax and start reflecting on what has passed. It’s a receptive phase that doesn’t encourage us to start something new, but to analyze the past weeks and the past half of year to find out successful points, as well as flaws in our strategy.

What have you been nailing? What needs improvement? Now we’re supported to shed things that no longer serve our well-being and our growth, as well as to bask in the afterglow of the seductive Full Moon.

I love to think of the waning of the moon as an adjustment time. It’s right after the Full Moon so perhaps you have uncovered some new information or learned of some change happening in your life. This is when you would start processing all that you have learned and start to figure out how to integrate any new habits into your life.

Journaling, downloading with friends and loved ones and taking some time to look within is great for when the moon is waning. It’s not the best time for pushing forward, it’s more about stepping into your feminine energy. You can take a breather and allow your higher self to connect with you. This is a great time for trying to develop the connection further. Work with your pendulum or cards.

Do some automatic writing or plain old journaling, working to discover more about how you are processing the energy of the Full Moon. Explore your feelings. Dig into what you would love to let go of and start working a plan to start shedding behavior or habits that no longer serve you.

Finally, try to work with some Black Tourmaline if you can, asking the stones for your grounding energy to help you uncover all that is blocking you so you may for once and for all release it and step into your magic.



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