The Beginning of A New Chapter: A Heartfire Column
•Posted on February 14 2019

There are some days that change your life forever, some days are just kissed by the universe and spread out like stardust. In hindsight, this was certainly one of those days.
I found out I had cancer on March 26/15, from a doctor about an hour from where I live.
(I called it irregular cells) I refused to give it the name that creates fear.
It was 4 cm tumor that had to be removed. It was a day that changed my life forever, in many more ways than I ever could have imagined.
You know those moments in life, where time actually stops. Somewhere deep down, I was not surprised when the words coming out of the doctors’ mouth were “yes the tumor is positive” and I was actually calm. Or I suppose I pretended to be, as time and space stopped.
It’s amazing how your mind works when hearing news that traumatizes you. Or maybe you just go into a state of shock, your body goes numb. and you rationalize with yourself. I've always tried to see the glass half full, and I remember actually trying to smile and trying to make small jokes with the doctor. One of our biggest fears is hearing you have that Cancer, is it not?
I was told my options, I went home and googled what my choices would look like. It was not a good idea to do this, but who wouldn’t?
The internet is full, as you know, of all the pictures and situations and remedies you can imagine. I made an appointment for surgery, then I canceled and said I was going to look at other options. They mentioned no-one had done this before. I went to see two more doctors, and then was going to call in a surgery date with the third doctor I had met with, I called back a week later and canceled. I said I was going to leave it for now. Leave it for now they said? You can imagine what they were thinking.
Every medical person I saw was nice to me. My own family doctor was concerned of course, worried about it spreading, as it was invasive.
I saw him regularly to talk and let him know my course of action. He had not seen anyone do this before, so I’m sure it was hard to accept.
My sister-in-law called me after that 5th week and told me about a woman she knew, who went to a mother and son who worked together, they had amazing healing gifts. The woman she knew was given 3 months to live, 15 years ago, and was still here, alive and well.
I talked to that woman who gave me their number. It was the news I was waiting for in hindsight. They never advertised ever of their gift, word of mouth only.
They lived about two hours from my house. I had found out before I called them that the mother had just passed away in March 2015.
I called the son on April 28th, he said he would see me Monday, May 4th, 2015.
First time I went to his house, it felt oddly familiar; he later had said the same thing to me. When I went inside the house and into the room where they had done their healings for years, I saw a picture of his mom on the wall. She too looked so familiar to me. I sat down and the first time he touched my foot, I could feel a tingling sensation go up my whole right upper side where the cancer was, and all down my right arm. This tingling lasted all the way on my drive home and happened every time I was driving to see him. He said that didn't usually happen to people. I went to see him every Monday at 10:00 am or 11:00. I was there for usually 1.5 hours. I would say that by July 2015, 11 weeks later, I knew that something had changed, I would get ultrasounds and the tumor was shrinking and shrinking.
In October 2015, I was away on a course in the U.S. for 4 days. On a Friday night we did a meditation, and then I went to bed. In the middle of the night, I awoke with very hot palms, never had experienced that before. It was like a fire in my hands. When I got back home I slowly started touching people, and then somehow knew I could send them this energy through distance, did not matter where in the world they lived.
It will be four years in March 2019, and to be honest, I never really think about it much anymore. I believe cancer brought me my gift, and the ability to be sharing this with others, which I now do.
My hands and arms heat up when I start, and I channel beautiful energies. Sometimes I am guided to scan the person I see in front of me with my hands. It was hard to explain at first, but then I realized what was happening. This beautiful energy comes through me and goes to the client, no matter the distance.
The fire has never left my hands since that first day. I feel it in different places in my body sometimes, my legs, my head, my back and always my hands. I get used to it and find it very comforting that this divine energy never leaves me. I want to help others overcome their fear of disease and realize that they too are their own healers. The most important aspect though is that the client must want to heal, believe in miracles, and help themselves take charge of their Heart, Mind, and Spirit.
I never know what is going to transpire, as we never know where the healing needs to go. Everything is a leap of faith after all isn’t it? We need to go deep down and believe in ourselves, believe in the unknown and travel those paths less taken.
By Maureen Trovo
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