Magical Personal Growth: Feed Your Soul with Peter Roth
•Posted on March 10 2016

This particular spiritual teacher and intuitive healer defines his journey as “a desire to know how to help people reduce their confusions, inadequacy and pain.” Woah. Sign us up, please. Living with his wife who is also a spiritual coach on the west side of New York City, Peter is a spiritual counselor dedicated to helping clients with life’s limitations. His job is to make people feel whole again in one or all areas of life that may need healing. Peter Roth is a man of many talents; he was once a founder of the New York Road Runners Club and the New York City Marathon and helped launch the Achilles Track Club for disabled athletes, which directed him to begin coaching and training runners. This led Peter to co-find the Natural Living Club which jumpstarted his mastery of the many mysteries of the mind, body, and soul. Currently, Peter is the founder of the Heart River Center, providing opportunity for magical personal growth. Did someone say magical?? Safe to say, Mr. Roth is a very impressive teacher with an abundance of experience and wisdom to provide to the world. What feeds Peter’s soul? Focusing on the heart and soul to reveal one’s true challenges.
Are there any consistent activities or rituals you do to maintain a sense of inner peace? “Yes. I use algorithms and elixirs, essences, and EFT. The algorithms are something people don’t talk much about – it’s working with numerical sequences that have their own powerful truths. They create different realities so if you are feeling out of sorts, you can use a numerical sequence to get you back into comfort.”
When you are in an emotional rut, what are your go to ways to bring yourself out of that feeling? “Get busy. Making myself busy eliminates focusing on it and makes you active.”
Before beginning a creative process, what type of preparation do you normally undertake? “Well, it’s not a last minute thing – I’m either going to be up for it or I’m not. So I have to trust that I prepare myself properly and then behave accordingly.”
What is the most inspiring book you’ve ever read? “One book that I seem to refer to a lot is called What’s in the Way, is the Way by Mary O’Malley. It’s one of those books that inspires people and helps to know certain truths.”
Are there any particular exercise routines or practices that you use for grounding? If so, describe how you discovered them. “I’ve been a runner all my life and so I didn’t have to discover it. It’s always been a part of me.”
Do you remember the first time you went out on a run? “It was in the summer of 1959, I was 16, and I decided I needed to get the lead out. So I ran all summer. During that summer I got tall and thin, and when I got back to school I joined the cross-country team, and I was one of the good runners. We won the state championship.”
Would you consider running as a type of meditation for you? “Sometimes. There are times when a run just really calms me down, gets me grounded. But not always… I’ve run 40,000 miles in my lifetime.”
We love that you met your wife while running. “It was so amazingly serendipitous.”
Do you meditate? If so, how did you learn and what methods do you use often? “I’m in meditation a lot when I do my transmissions. But outside of that, I don’t need to. I’ve had many lifetimes in meditation…I was a disciple of Sri Ramakrishna in a previous life in India and that got me into the life of meditation. I’ve done a lot of it…so I don’t feeling like I’m lacking.”
Who is the most inspirational person you’ve ever met and what did they give you that will never leave you? “My higher self. I had a really nice communication, a nice meeting, with him. It helped me understand who I am and how I am. He revealed to me who I truly am. He appeared to me as such a beautiful, loving, wise soul and I said, ‘wow, if that’s me I’m in good shape, thank you very much!’” It was very helpful to me to have that experience so that I could appreciate myself more.”
Visit to learn more about Peter Roth, sign up for a class, and listen to his radio talk show! His latest class, Are You Ready to Be-Friend Your Dark Side, is next Monday (3/14). Be sure to check it out.
Written by Katie Girouard.
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