Anahata Healing Meditation
•Posted on February 14 2018

Hello everyone!
Are you ready to feel the magic and power of love? On this special day devoted to love, we would like to remind you to not forget a very important person in your life – yourself. Letting yourself be loved and healed is a process and doesn’t happen right away. But don’t worry, because with this great Anahata (Heart Chakra) Healing Meditation, by letting yourself be loved you will also heal your body. So, let’s begin the wonderful process of healing love:
1. Sit with your legs crossed. Gently place your hands on your knees.
2. Breathe in and breathe out. Let your breath flow naturally. Close your eyes.
3. Slowly begin to distance yourself from your environment. Leave everything behind, all the worries, all the happenings, all the stress. Just let go of it.
4. As you are distancing yourself begin on focusing inwards, on yourself. Breathe in and Breathe out.
5. Focus on your heart chakra – the Anahata. Visualize the small circle of flowing energy in your chest.
6.As you slowly observe it, supply it with more energy. Focus on bringing more energy towards your chakra.
7. Just let the energy float naturally. As the energy in Anahata grows, the greener the energy becomes. A deep, rich green color finally is spread in your chest.
8. As the energy flows, it slowly begins to spread through each crack and opening it can find. Feel the true love as it spreads over you.
9.The warmth, the energy shockwaves through your body. Allow yourself to be overwhelmed and nourished with every sensation as the energy of love flows through you.
8. Breathe in and breathe out. Now let your energy slowly and gradually go back to normal.
9. Breathe in and breathe out. You can open your eyes when you are ready.
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