Share Your Compassion

Written by Marija Bajlozova


Posted on November 19 2016

Saturday is a great day for some social activity!
This Saturday when you are out and about, we have a little challenge for you.We want you to share your compassion. Anytime you feel the need to disagree with someone, before you do, we want you to spend just a few more moments asking them questions and trying to put yourself in the other person's shoes. Try to imagine you were in their position, how you would feel, what types of fears and insecurities would you have, how would you react to life.
Really learn about the other person. See if you can discover just a little more compassion for them, and then share it. Let us know how it goes!

Everyone knows sharing is caring!  How often do you share with others around you?  Apparently the more you give, the more you will receive.  Which is nice and all, but sometimes sharing without expecting anything in return is so much cooler (and rewarding).  Since most folks are out and about being social on Saturdays, we are dedicating this day to sharing.  That way you're friends will think you're nicer.  Feel free to chat about your sharing experience in our Feeding Your Soul, Igniting Your Magic private group!



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